Sunday 7 June 2009

Onward and upwards?

Friday night A came over again. He txt me during the day asking me if he could. He did on the previso that the kids were well and truly in bed. They did show their face during the night but didn't see who it was. I lied. Bad mum and just said it was G. Anyway it was a nice night again. We watched Elizabeth Town. I love the fact he likes chick flicks. It was his movie that he brought over lol.

No moves made again and the bloody anticipation is going to kill me when I see him next. Lol. We have this bit of a joke going on at the moment about me taking him down with my taekwondo. So we had a little bit of game on that night. But as there were kids in the house and I was laughing so much we stopped. It was fun though. I haven't laughed that much in a while. So the game will be on again at some other point. Of course the good old play fight turning into a kiss. Shall we take bets as to that is what is going to happen? I am seeing him tomorrow. I will let you know lol

I had my appraisal at work Friday. I have been a little worried about it as although I know the store manager is happy with me, the service manager and I do not get along that well. But it was all great. I got exceed in lots of parts. Which from what I gather doesn't happen much. It was also said that I am the next trainee manager to come out of the store. So on the road to that I will be learning more things. Including payroll. Lol should be interesting.

Been having heaps of problems with Patrick lately. We are close to our breaking point with him. He is such a lying, horrible shit. Who has to have his nose in everything. He is rude and will not lift a finger to help. Yet expects everything to be done for him. He is constantly ripping into the other kids and is so rude and disrespectful to his teachers.

We have really started to crack down on what he is allowed to do. So things like runescape, swimming and soccer are on the cards to be taken away. It is his birthday tomorrow. 12. If he lives that long of course.

Laura had a taekwondo comp yesterday. She shocked everyone with how good she was. She beat a blue belt and a red belt. That is higher than I am. Very proud of her.

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