Monday 1 June 2009

Rest of the weekend......

So...... I had a date Saturday night. Well it was actually just a meet for a hot drink. Then that hot drink turned into dinner and then a walk and then a drive.......

He so isn't someone I would normally go for. He has facial hair. Never been out with someone who has facial hair. He is a big guy as well. Just average weight wise but a big built guy. (he has a hair chest as well. Not that I have really seen it but...... not that keen on that lol)

Anyway he is just the nicest guy, he really is. So easy to talk to, makes me laugh. He is just a big softy. He likes a lot of chick flicks as well which is good. He loves his car and is right into his sports. Football etc. So not me. lol After we had finished our hot choc and coffee and had sat for a while talking the waitress asked if we wanted menus for dinner. So we did that. The we sat talking for a while more. Then went for a walk. Freezing but nice. We went to the end of the jetty and stayed there for ages just yacking. (reminded me of D as that is where we went as well on our first date) After that we walked back to the cars. Neither one of us wanted to end it but not really knowing what to do either. lol. So in the end we went for a drive. While we were driving up the esplanade he told me about this coffee shop Spats near the city that he had heard about but never been. I had been there about 15 years ago. So off we went.

We couldn't believe how packed it was. So popular. We had to wait for a sit but not to long and the whole time we were there there was just people waiting to be seated. It was really nice.

Then we went for another drive to all the hot spots of Adelaide lol. So Rundle St, Hindley st and Glenelg, and made our way home. It was so cosy in his car though. Nice leather seats, we had great one hit wonder songs on. Seriously though if he had to go any further I would have fallen asleep. I was just so cosy lol

So as Raina would say no octopus arms. He was the perfect gentleman and it was such a great night.

Yesterday morning I got a call from Karen (it was her birthday) saying that they were having a bonfire etc and did I want to come. I was supposed to be meeting G and then going to mum and dad's for tea. So bit ticked I would miss it. So then I get a txt from G cancelling on me. I give up on him now. Sick of it. I know he has got heaps of shit to deal with. (haven't gone into it on here and won't be.) But even so. Anyway long story short I went out to Karen's.

Had the best afternoon. The bbq'ed lamb was yum. We just had it in rolls with gravy. It was their own sheep and it was delicious. I had a ride on one of the bikes. Shane took me. OMG how scary and fun all at once. He did a wheelie with me on the back and just went flat out. Then he said want to go again of course I said yes. lol Surprised they couldn't hear me at teh bottom of the hill.

Later on that night I was chatting to A on the net and I mentioned that I was going to watch The Holiday. I had only seen it the once ages ago. He said I wish I was there, I love that movie. So I invited him over. Again another great time. I got a bit happy with my southern comfort. But not to bad. He ended up staying until about 1am. Again the perfect gentleman. I got a kiss on the cheek when he arrived and a hug when he left. lol. But it is there, the build up to something lol. I am liking the build up. Normally I don't. But the flirting was there etc.

I blogged about a guy a couple of years back who just never made a move. He lived to far away and after a couple of dates I called it quits. It just wasn't happening. This is the first time in a long time I have not had a guy try something on the first date let alone the second. But it is there. I know it is and that's what makes it different from this other guy. There was no flirting with that other guy. So now I am wanting the move to be made hehehehe.

I txt him this morning but didn't get a reply and that worried me. Me being me I worry to much about the little things. I need to stop that. Anyway he finally replied tonight with a lovely txt that made me smile and had the little innuendos in it as well that relate back to the flirting etc that went on last night.

So I have a smile on my face. (apart from the kids fighting) And we will see where this one leads. I still miss D so much but it is nice to know that that is getting easier though. In a way I am not looking forward to him coming back but I still have 3 more weeks before that happens.

My weight is continuing to drop. It is amazing what happens when you do not continually stuff your face with food. Of course today has been one of those days where i have not been hungry at all because I have done nothing but EAT!!! Oh well tomorrow is another day and I know if I am sensible today won't matter. And if I am sensible all week by Friday I may just see the 70 something. Now that has not happened in many years!!

Now I am off to get the kids organised for bed so I can head to bed myself. 4 hours sleep last night is not a good thing for me.

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