Tuesday 30 June 2009

Just things........

So I am going in the taekwondo competition. Not doing the sparring but the forms. So it is rather exciting but more frightening!!!

I didn't have my surgery, it got cancelled because the surgeon was sick. So I scored two days off in annual leave instead. It was great. A came over after midnight on the Wednesday after he finished work and stayed at my place until Monday morning when we both had to work. Had a great 4 days off. We went to IKEA and a few other places Thursday. Friday I went to breakfast with Keri from work. (different store) Then dropped A at work and went to town to meet Kylie and Wendy. First time I have met them and it was nice to finally meet them.

Saturday I had to work. As did A. Saturday night we went to see Transformers. Which we both really enjoyed. Although the queues etc were awful. We went to Noarlunga first up, then went to Marion but the only seats were basically front row. So back to Noarlunga, where we got our tickets and had dinner than went and sat at the movies until it was half hour to go and then we stood in front of the door waiting along with the rest of the population!! Sunday we slept in for way way to long. Then A did my brakes on my car while I mowed the lawn. Then the wonderful man made me a roast.

I also tried weed for the first time Sunday night. A found out I had never tried so he got some. Thankfully not something he only does rarely but it did nothing for me. I was telling K at work about it and she said I should try a cake she makes. A also said he would make me cookies. Honestly it was pretty gross. It will good to experience the whole stoned thing but once I have that I will be happy!!

Since Thursday I have been driving A's car. Because my brakes were dodgy he basically let me drive it all the time. He is great. The only thing..... yes there is a thing..... my own doubts. Silly silly stuff. I just get so scared that he will toss me aside. Someone better will come along blah blah. All of that. When I am apart I think of all the bad things that could happen so when we are together although on a whole I am good there are still walls up.

I spoke to Raina about it and she suggested it was seeing D again. Which I had seen twice last week but now have no reason to see again. She could be right but consciously I don't think so but perhaps subconsciously? Anyway. I deleted him off Msn and unless he comes into work I won't be seeing him. I am going to write all the good things and reread them whenever I have doubts I will read them. Because I have no reason to doubt him. He is a really good guy who wants to commit. But wants to take it slow.

Not much else is happening really. Kids are still a bit horrid. But they are getting there. Patrick and Laura want to go in the taewkondo comp as well so that is good leverage!! lol

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