Tuesday 16 June 2009

I held my breath and good things happened

So he was not gone long at all and he did indeed come back. I got drunk on his jager. Lol. We watched movies and went to bed.

We slept late Sunday was well and probably would have stayed there longer if it was not for a friend of his wanting help to move some furniture. So off we went. I met a couple of his friends. One I had already met but nice to meet more. We got saturated as it was pouring with rain. After we did that we stopped off get some fish and chips and then back to his place so he could watch the football. Lol I read my book. But it was nice cuddled up on the couch. Just being together both doing what we like.

He had been having some computer troubles so I helped him sort them out and then we left to take me back home. He had to call into his work so he knew what hours he was working this week. He then let me drive his car. OMG I scared myself. It is a SS commodore. This so does not mean much to me except it is a nice car. Anyway. I was driving very carefully and we got to traffic lights and he told me to go for it. I did and the car went and then it went again it felt like. I screamed shit and took my foot off. Mean while A is just killing himself laughing!!!

So all in all a very good weekend. I am going to be seeing him briefly on Thursday after work and then he is going to meet the kids on Sunday. I figure if he is going to help me out when I have my surgery then he may as well meet the kids. Of course I just informed him that I am cooking so if my kids don't scare him off my cooking will. lol

Ok off to the shops and swimming. I will put up a photo of my flowers later.

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