Thursday 31 May 2007

Its the co-operative way

SO I am housed and belong to a housing co-operative. This is basically a group of people managing houses. We rent them out to our tenants, with the rent being income based. This means for me I can have a 3 bedroom house with a massive backyard for $216 a fortnight. For this I have to participate within the co-op. I am the rent coordinator. I managed the rents for the 20 houses that we have. I work out peoples rents based on their incomes and send out form 2's for people who are in arrears etc. Anywho. We have a tenant who isn't a member of the co-op (but is supposed to be working towards membership) who the tenancy officer and I have decided that she shouldn't have her lease renewed. This is due to the fact she isn't keeping her house cleaned and well maintained and also hasn't declared all the household income. (such a big big no no). Now this is a four bedroom house so if this woman is out it means I get her house. Here is the catch...... Some people don't want this woman out. They want to give her another chance. (we have tried that with others. Put it this way take my word for it this woman is trouble.) So although I have to play a big part to play in getting rid of her I have to be careful because basically I want her house lol. Will keep you informed.

I am having trouble with one of my wisdom teeth. It has half come up and has been sitting there for a few months. Now the last couple of days it has been sore and a bit swollen. I can't afford the dentist even with the extras cover. So I rang the public system. So for $30 I can get treated for an emergency. They outsource it to private dentists which is great. Slight problem I am petrified. What happens if it has to come out?????? My appointment isn't until Monday and I am hoping it is all better by then lol. I have looked at it. (with a torch and mirror. The kids did laugh) No wonder it is sore my poor gum is splitting as the next half of the tooth is breaking through. It is hard to tell if it is going to fit there. Mum said some of the pain could be my jaw moving around as well. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that this pain is just the gums being ripped to shreds as the tooth makes its merry way to the surface to sit there undisturbed for the rest of my life!

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