Sunday 30 December 2007

I am in.....

My appraisal was all good. Bit of a joke going on though about one of the things. Personal hygiene. Ok it includes punctuality as well but even so. I got above average for that. One of the other girls and I were talking and and like she said I should of asked how I can improve on that. So above average is 4. She got a 3. I said I must use a better soap than she does!! Mind you in all seriousness I think it is tied up more with me being early all the time. The store manager always has to let me in so he knows.

Poor mark doing the appraisals. He was not happy as there were a few he didn't want to do. Brett the store manager and I guess others as well did these appraisals. So Brett had his two cents worth but Mark was the one who had to actually talk to us. Mark was telling me about some of them and it is good to know the managers are onto it. It also shows that I am front end controller and as such they tell me stuff like that.

The only thing they had to say negative about me was I needed to soften my approach when directing the girls. Not sure how I will do that. I think that mainly comes from a couple of the girls not liking the fact that I am directing and me getting ticked with them but I will try. Everything else like communication, teamwork etc was fine. You know all the usual bullshit. It is all commonsense really.

The good thing to come out of it is the fact that both Mark and Brett have said they are going to look after me in regards to hours. That is all I need to hear when some girls only got 10-18 hours for the next roster week. They are not happy. I got 34 but that went up to 36 as another girl need to swap a shift.

Mark and I spoke about some of the other girls comments etc and I said I was happy here and unless kicked out I would be staying. He said there was plenty of room for advancement etc. (he has only been with them 6 months!!!) So looks like I am here to stay. I am a supervisor and I am guessing that role will take on more responsibility as time goes on and the store establishes itself.

On a completely different note, I feel fat and foul. I have not been exercising and my eating sucks. So basically I am unhealthy at the moment. My eating usually sucks anyway but to have no exercise as well I am up shit creek at the moment. It is really hard to get to the gym at the best of times in the school holidays but even harder at Christmas time and with me working. So this morning I am going to go for a walk before work. And hopefully everyday this week. The weather here is so hot I won't even try for the gym. Least in the morning it is still cool. As for my eating, during the day it is fine. I come home though and eat crap. I need to stop that. I have a perfect opportunity to have good days and I ruin it by stuffing my face at the end of the day. I am not even hungry. Just want to eat. So back on the wagon today.

Ok off for my walk......

Friday 28 December 2007

Not much and more of the same.

And that is the truth. Christmas was good. I got a sleep in and cleaned the house in what felt like the first time in a month. It was nice to finally catch up on washing etc.

I got the kids back at 4pm with thankfully no troubles. We had a good evening. The kids loved the presents so that was good. Nice to know I can still pick the stuff they like.

Work is still the same. Hours are going down a bit because the store is getting quite. It is the same for everyone. I am getting more than most and just less than one other girl who transferred from Woolworth's so I guess she is already on a contract.

The store manager put a note on the board today saying that the amount to be spent on wages is lower now Christmas is over, and that people will be given hours based on their work ethic and skills needed. We have had a month to shine and it is all decided on performance not popularity!!

Just goes to show that they really do know what is going on!! Appraisals are next week so fingers crossed all goes well for me.

It is really hot here. It is only going to get hotter. 41 on Monday. I wish I was in my new house. Oh well.

Oh the other big news. Bloody nits. Laura had then. I found them Thursday morning just before we were about to leave to go to mum and dad's so I could go to work!! I found some again this morning but I got some different stuff and so far looks ok. No one else has got them and hopefully all will be good. They go to Matt's tomorrow. You can just guess what he is going to say!

Monday 24 December 2007

T'was the night before xmas....

It is all quiet here. The kids are at their dad's. I am worrying about that. He is going to his uncle's tomorrow for lunch. He will drink and then he has to bring the kids back by 4. I hope he gets pulled over or doesn't drink one or the other. As long as the kids are safe.

So the house.......Well she is out. But the house is disgusting. Did I write about the other house? I think so. Well this one is almost worse. Different worse I guess. I just don't know how people live like this I really don't. The toilet was disgusting. To the point of I am getting a new toilet sit. It needs to be repainted after being cleaned and new floor coverings in the bedrooms.Oh and the stove is that bad we are putting in a new one.

On the up side. It has a working air con. One of those recycling ones but the heat doesn't work. But least the cooling does. I was worried there wasn't enough cupboards. Ie linen etc but there will be with what I have here. There isn't actually a linen press but there is a pantry cupboard so the cupboard I use for my pantry here I can use for my linen. The kitchen once bloody clean is good and there is room for a dishwasher so that is good. The yard is quite big. Not as big as here but big enough. No pergola but there is cement there so once the pergola is built don't have to worry about paving. So although I am pleased that it is mine now. I am very disappointed it is still going to be a couple of weeks before I can move in. Least it will be clean.

Work today was amazing. There were queues weaving around the store. Right from when we opened just about until I left. It was just mad. It meant the time went quick. The store manager spoke to me this morning. One of the things we talked about was the supervisor stuff. He said that some of it was his fault as the staff didn't know what was going on. I told him who I was having problems with and why. So hopefully things will start to sort out now Xmas is over, and the silly season starts to die off.

Merry Christmas everyone. I do love Christmas.

Sunday 23 December 2007

Refusual of service

Just a little story.

One of the guys came up to me at work saying how old do you think that guy is. I said under 18. I said we should check ID? Yep. This guy was with his mum and was walking around with johnny black in his hand.

When they came to the register I told Jenna to check ID. The woman went off. First of all saying that it was for her and not her son. She was paying for it. I explained secondary purchase to her and she claimed they were picking it out for son's dad. On and on it went with her saying you can't prove it. I told her no and that was the point we are regulated by the Government if we have reason to believe it is being purchased for minors. She wanted to see a manager. Mark came over and we went through it all again. She the whole time stating she would go to the media. MMMM ok go for it lady. In the end she left with a barrage of abuse and a claim she would take it further.

Which she did. Brett (store manager) called me into the office to quiz me. Had Jenna asked for ID etc etc. I found out later he had called Jenna in to ask the same questions.

Of course to top it all off while that shit was hitting the fan a guy walked out without paying for stuff. Which goes to show that all the register chicks weren't concentrating on what was happening.

OH and remember the chick who is pregnant that I don't like. Well she is getting on every one's nerves. She is pregnant and can't lift a thing etc etc blah blah blah. This is her third child and I get she would be tired. But if you feel like that don't work. Also you can't tell me that she is not lifting her kids at home. She goes on and on about how she must have a break as she starts to get dizzy etc but then goes and eats a packet of chips and ltr of coke for lunch every day she is there. She is just not healthy. I have yet to see her eat anything the resembles a "healthy food". She is also very overweight and I have seen her struggle for breathe. Ok I don't have a problem with her being overweight. What I have a problem with is the fact that she harps on about how she must have this and that because she is pregnant but doesn't look after herself outside of work. It is a bit hypocritical to my thinking. But there you go.

will she or won't she????

Count down is on to find out if the cow is out of my house! She hasn't paid rent in a while and there is a different car there. The rumour of course as well that she has some where else to go. IT is all all adding up to the fact that she is going. I will do a couple of drive bys today to see if anything is happening, but will find out for sure in the morning. I have to work but Dad and someone else are going to do the inspection. Fingers fingers fingers crossed.

Work is good. I am having problems with some of the girls. They don't like the fact that I call them to their registers. At this point I don't know how much pull I have and the girls know that. They are getting shitty with me. Not to my face but you can see the attitude there. One girl yesterday needed change so she walked off her register and went to another to swap some money over!!! WTF. Even I won't do that and I probably am allowed to.

I don't know what is going to happen. I think after Xmas things will all happen. I know they are letting many things slide while this mad time is happening. I got called in yesterday and it was truly mad.

So my plan of attack for tomorrow is to not be a supervisor. Just stay on the register and do my register thing. Let the managers deal with it. We shall she what happens.

Moving on now to a few Matt matters. He was buying beer the other day and Patrick asked him why he didn't buy it from DM, as it was cheaper. He said he wouldn't spend money anywhere where I work!! lol Talk about cutting off your nose.

He also went and saw a lawyer. I can only assume it is about the change of school thing. He told the kids after he got home from the lawyer that they would be going back to Reynella and he would be picking the high school. So now I have that to worry about as well. Although I don't think he has a hope. I wrote to him in August stating my intention to move the kids to a different school. That if he had objections to it to let me know so that we could sort it out. Of course he didn't. Also I am moving into a 4 bedroom home at a cheap rent. No registrar is going to say no to that. I can't afford to do anything else. Mum and dad are close and it is easier for me to work this way. All that aside it is still worrying that court maybe coming up again. I worry that he may try and get an injunction out to put the kids back into Reynella. But when I think about it rationally it shouldn't happen. He left his run to late. He should have done something about it long ago. Also with the new laws I am pretty sure we have to go to mediation first. SO that will delay it further. We just have to get through the school holidays and the kids to start their new school and we should be ok.

Sunday 16 December 2007

Decadant is.......

Watching a chick flick, eating Cafe Primo surf n turf, drinking wine and finishing with a piece of chocolate fudge truffle cake. Well that is my idea of decadence at the moment. Gee it was yummy. The simple fact I could afford to do it was also a bonus.

For those who wish to know the wine was Long Flat red mascato. Yummy. Only the second red wine that I like. I dislike wine that is dry and sucks your mouth dry so this was nice and am now tempted to taste their white mascato. Lol you can tell I have started work in a booze shop.

So things are going along at work. Lines are being drawn and it is clear to see who won't be lasting long. (having said that though I worry about myself. I don't know. Hard to explain. I take on things that maybe I shouldn't. I guess I just take the initiative. I am not content just to stand and pack I will help out the others if they need help. Which I guess is what is going to be expected of me as a front end controller. I think it is my own insecurities.) The chick that is pregnant who is not happy with me having that job who opened her mouth at induction is getting on everyone's nerves and I know that the store manager doesn't like her, as we had a bit of a conversation about her. Ok I shouldn't say doesn't like but she annoys him just as much as everyone. It is like now she is with child she can't do a thing. This is her third but is acting like it is her first. She will not lift a thing. Not one thing. Now please tell me, all you mums of more than one child how many times did you lift the younger child while you were pregnant???? mmmm see where I am going with that..... do I need to say more? Ok then I want. lol. She is just getting on everyone's nerves.

Got abused twice yesterday for refusal of service!! Lol people are funny. They just take it as a personal attack on them. Still I guess it is the age. But there are other people who get refused and do not feel the need to call me names and swear at me. But hey there you go. I don't go home with these people so Pffft to them.

So I have been having trouble with my life at the moment. I feel I am living two lives and I am struggling to make it one. Or at the very least to get them to meet ever so slightly so there isn't such a big gap in the middle. I guess until you live it that doesn't make sense. I pray that things will get easier when I move.

Talking of moving.... The cow in my house, rumour has it, she does have some place else to go. So please please pray for me that she does go.The kids had a visit to their new school and class on Wednesday. Seem to go ok. Hard to tell I guess as it was only a quick visit. Patrick's teacher is also the student counsellor so that is great. I think it may have been planned like that given that I told them about Patrick's troubles last year. The countdown is on to shifting and I seriously can't wait, I am busting for it to happen.

The kids went to Matt's yesterday for a week. They weren't all that keen to go. Mum and dad did the change over as I had to work. Dad dropped by at work to tell me all was well. We were expecting trouble but luckily the cops were there getting coffee. (the macs is opposite a cop station)

Talking of police, police security rang me wanting to know if I would like to apply for police security. As a security officer. When I rang back the woman I needed to speak to wasn't there. So I don't know if there is an application process or what. They are going to send me some information. I don't know what to do. Well no that is not true I think I have decided. They told me that they basically get the ones who don't get into the cops. Then they use it as a stepping stone to get into the cops. Now this is a good thing but being a security guard is very different to being a cop. I would think it would be mainly night work etc. Not what I want. So I think I will stay where I am for the time being. I can later on look at the security thing.

I feel that working at DM is going to be a good thing for when I reapply for the cops. I mean I get the knock back from them and straight away virtually I land this job and end up supervising. What does that say about my confidence? Not sure what it says about not being able to think outside of the square but I have9 months to think of something!

Ok sorry I have been slack in not writing much. I have just been so busy. Even my day off last week was busy. Today is my first day off without kids. Weird!! I have to try and complete my accounting assignment. I haven't even started it yet. The whole study thing is non existent actually so I am hoping to get the assignment out the way and then just work on studying for the exam.

Sunday 9 December 2007

Something is missing....

So I drive home from work and there is something missing. I have this job now which means more money into the house. Not a huge amount but enough to be better off than before. I am soon to have my four bedroom house. (the witch better be out. She is running out of time and she is about to get a letter)So what is missing???

A guy. How sad is that? I have a day off today and I am really sad. I want to share my life with someone. Preferably male lol. When I get home from work my kids don't hug me and say how was your shift? They don't sit on the couch with me and and watch M rated movies with me. They don't appreciate me. And that is fine they are kids. Which is why I would love a guy in my life. I feel I have so much to give someone and yet feel so rejected. Past history has shown that I will hold my hand out in my personal life many many times even though it has been slapped back. I want to hold my hand out to someone who will take it.

I am glad that this time I have deleted all of J's numbers, email address, msn address, everything because now is the time that I would cave and get in touch with him just to have something. Because something is better than nothing. Even if they couldn't be with me just to have that phone call to know they are thinking of me.

I hate that I feel like this I really really do. I don't want to feel like I have to have a guy. And I know we have had this post numerous times before. But honestly my heart hurts. Even G hurts me and he doesn't even know it. lol he doesn't even want to have sex with me anymore. He treats me like one of the guys. Which is good but I constantly think. "why aren't I good enough though" When we are in the gym and he is pointing out the hot chicks he likes I just want to turn around and strangle him. I know he isn't meaning to hurt me but it does. It hurts me that he is in contact with his last girlfriend and he is training her now and he went to her house to fix her treadmill. He sees me as a friend. Which I am pleased that he does. But having no other guy in my life I just wish that he would see me like he sees these other girls.

I am enjoying my job, it is so nice to have adult interaction. Am I selfish to still want more?

Thursday 6 December 2007

and the store opened......

and we were not that busy. However to give DM their due it hasn't been that well advertised mainly because we didn't know when we would be opening. I can understand how hard it is to pin point a date to say yes we will be ready by then. We have the official opening Saturday with SAFM there and a BBQ and heaps of other things. Should be flat out which will make the time go quick.

I had to refuse service to two guys today. I asked them both for ID and the younger one said oh I don't have it and I was only carrying it for him. I said sorry still need your ID. His response was well I am just the driver. I said well where is your licence then. Oh I am not 18!! Well doh mate I am not serving you or your friend. Was funny.

Today was the first day I haven't been to the gym. I am putting the kids in OSCH in the morning so I can go. I really don't want to actually but I should and I will. It just means getting up so early and I want to sleep. Only two more days and I get a day off to rest my tired feet. I really need to invest in some expensive shoes to stop them aching. They are still sore now.

As for study..... what study.

Night all.

Monday 3 December 2007

The kids are home.......

Can you hear the fighting.........

Sunday 2 December 2007

In a blink of an eye.....

mum and dad went to Vic Friday to pick up one of their dogs from friends of theirs where it was being mated. (The people whom I have met are very good friends of mum and dad's) They called into see some other friends they know off the net. The husband of this couple has cancer that has come back so they really wanted to call in and see them.

So while they are there and before they got to S and K's they get a phone call. K has fallen off the truck and been rushed to hospital. He punctured a lung, broke some ribs and has spinal damage. Found out today that he is likely to be a para. I am so glad that if it was going to happen that mum and dad were there for them. With everything that mum went through before they really found out what was wrong with her, she knew what K would have been going through to a certain extent. Dad said the hospital were right on top of things and drugging K up with the steroids even before they were sure there was spinal damage.

It is so sad. I know it is good that he is still alive but it is going to be such a huge adjustment for them all. They live on quite a big bit of property and I am not sure exactly what animals they have. They breed dogs. Although that is mainly S domain, K helps out a lot. I am sure they will survive but it will be a tough road ahead. Least they have mum and dad they can talk to who in a sense have been there and done that.

As for me I have had a very quite weekend. No kids, no work after 7 days straight of it. I have done nothing. Shed tears over chick flicks. Gotten all sad about the fact I have no man in my life. Gotten over that. lol. And am about to go to bed to read for a bit.

Lol shit just looked at the time....nearly 10.30, I was going to go to bed 2 hours ago to read. Good one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym. I want to mow my lawn tomorrow as well as clean up etc before I get the kids. So no fart arsing around on the computer for me tomorrow.

Saturday 1 December 2007

Can only shake my head