Sunday 2 December 2007

In a blink of an eye.....

mum and dad went to Vic Friday to pick up one of their dogs from friends of theirs where it was being mated. (The people whom I have met are very good friends of mum and dad's) They called into see some other friends they know off the net. The husband of this couple has cancer that has come back so they really wanted to call in and see them.

So while they are there and before they got to S and K's they get a phone call. K has fallen off the truck and been rushed to hospital. He punctured a lung, broke some ribs and has spinal damage. Found out today that he is likely to be a para. I am so glad that if it was going to happen that mum and dad were there for them. With everything that mum went through before they really found out what was wrong with her, she knew what K would have been going through to a certain extent. Dad said the hospital were right on top of things and drugging K up with the steroids even before they were sure there was spinal damage.

It is so sad. I know it is good that he is still alive but it is going to be such a huge adjustment for them all. They live on quite a big bit of property and I am not sure exactly what animals they have. They breed dogs. Although that is mainly S domain, K helps out a lot. I am sure they will survive but it will be a tough road ahead. Least they have mum and dad they can talk to who in a sense have been there and done that.

As for me I have had a very quite weekend. No kids, no work after 7 days straight of it. I have done nothing. Shed tears over chick flicks. Gotten all sad about the fact I have no man in my life. Gotten over that. lol. And am about to go to bed to read for a bit.

Lol shit just looked at the time....nearly 10.30, I was going to go to bed 2 hours ago to read. Good one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym. I want to mow my lawn tomorrow as well as clean up etc before I get the kids. So no fart arsing around on the computer for me tomorrow.

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