Sunday 23 December 2007

will she or won't she????

Count down is on to find out if the cow is out of my house! She hasn't paid rent in a while and there is a different car there. The rumour of course as well that she has some where else to go. IT is all all adding up to the fact that she is going. I will do a couple of drive bys today to see if anything is happening, but will find out for sure in the morning. I have to work but Dad and someone else are going to do the inspection. Fingers fingers fingers crossed.

Work is good. I am having problems with some of the girls. They don't like the fact that I call them to their registers. At this point I don't know how much pull I have and the girls know that. They are getting shitty with me. Not to my face but you can see the attitude there. One girl yesterday needed change so she walked off her register and went to another to swap some money over!!! WTF. Even I won't do that and I probably am allowed to.

I don't know what is going to happen. I think after Xmas things will all happen. I know they are letting many things slide while this mad time is happening. I got called in yesterday and it was truly mad.

So my plan of attack for tomorrow is to not be a supervisor. Just stay on the register and do my register thing. Let the managers deal with it. We shall she what happens.

Moving on now to a few Matt matters. He was buying beer the other day and Patrick asked him why he didn't buy it from DM, as it was cheaper. He said he wouldn't spend money anywhere where I work!! lol Talk about cutting off your nose.

He also went and saw a lawyer. I can only assume it is about the change of school thing. He told the kids after he got home from the lawyer that they would be going back to Reynella and he would be picking the high school. So now I have that to worry about as well. Although I don't think he has a hope. I wrote to him in August stating my intention to move the kids to a different school. That if he had objections to it to let me know so that we could sort it out. Of course he didn't. Also I am moving into a 4 bedroom home at a cheap rent. No registrar is going to say no to that. I can't afford to do anything else. Mum and dad are close and it is easier for me to work this way. All that aside it is still worrying that court maybe coming up again. I worry that he may try and get an injunction out to put the kids back into Reynella. But when I think about it rationally it shouldn't happen. He left his run to late. He should have done something about it long ago. Also with the new laws I am pretty sure we have to go to mediation first. SO that will delay it further. We just have to get through the school holidays and the kids to start their new school and we should be ok.

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