Sunday 16 December 2007

Decadant is.......

Watching a chick flick, eating Cafe Primo surf n turf, drinking wine and finishing with a piece of chocolate fudge truffle cake. Well that is my idea of decadence at the moment. Gee it was yummy. The simple fact I could afford to do it was also a bonus.

For those who wish to know the wine was Long Flat red mascato. Yummy. Only the second red wine that I like. I dislike wine that is dry and sucks your mouth dry so this was nice and am now tempted to taste their white mascato. Lol you can tell I have started work in a booze shop.

So things are going along at work. Lines are being drawn and it is clear to see who won't be lasting long. (having said that though I worry about myself. I don't know. Hard to explain. I take on things that maybe I shouldn't. I guess I just take the initiative. I am not content just to stand and pack I will help out the others if they need help. Which I guess is what is going to be expected of me as a front end controller. I think it is my own insecurities.) The chick that is pregnant who is not happy with me having that job who opened her mouth at induction is getting on everyone's nerves and I know that the store manager doesn't like her, as we had a bit of a conversation about her. Ok I shouldn't say doesn't like but she annoys him just as much as everyone. It is like now she is with child she can't do a thing. This is her third but is acting like it is her first. She will not lift a thing. Not one thing. Now please tell me, all you mums of more than one child how many times did you lift the younger child while you were pregnant???? mmmm see where I am going with that..... do I need to say more? Ok then I want. lol. She is just getting on everyone's nerves.

Got abused twice yesterday for refusal of service!! Lol people are funny. They just take it as a personal attack on them. Still I guess it is the age. But there are other people who get refused and do not feel the need to call me names and swear at me. But hey there you go. I don't go home with these people so Pffft to them.

So I have been having trouble with my life at the moment. I feel I am living two lives and I am struggling to make it one. Or at the very least to get them to meet ever so slightly so there isn't such a big gap in the middle. I guess until you live it that doesn't make sense. I pray that things will get easier when I move.

Talking of moving.... The cow in my house, rumour has it, she does have some place else to go. So please please pray for me that she does go.The kids had a visit to their new school and class on Wednesday. Seem to go ok. Hard to tell I guess as it was only a quick visit. Patrick's teacher is also the student counsellor so that is great. I think it may have been planned like that given that I told them about Patrick's troubles last year. The countdown is on to shifting and I seriously can't wait, I am busting for it to happen.

The kids went to Matt's yesterday for a week. They weren't all that keen to go. Mum and dad did the change over as I had to work. Dad dropped by at work to tell me all was well. We were expecting trouble but luckily the cops were there getting coffee. (the macs is opposite a cop station)

Talking of police, police security rang me wanting to know if I would like to apply for police security. As a security officer. When I rang back the woman I needed to speak to wasn't there. So I don't know if there is an application process or what. They are going to send me some information. I don't know what to do. Well no that is not true I think I have decided. They told me that they basically get the ones who don't get into the cops. Then they use it as a stepping stone to get into the cops. Now this is a good thing but being a security guard is very different to being a cop. I would think it would be mainly night work etc. Not what I want. So I think I will stay where I am for the time being. I can later on look at the security thing.

I feel that working at DM is going to be a good thing for when I reapply for the cops. I mean I get the knock back from them and straight away virtually I land this job and end up supervising. What does that say about my confidence? Not sure what it says about not being able to think outside of the square but I have9 months to think of something!

Ok sorry I have been slack in not writing much. I have just been so busy. Even my day off last week was busy. Today is my first day off without kids. Weird!! I have to try and complete my accounting assignment. I haven't even started it yet. The whole study thing is non existent actually so I am hoping to get the assignment out the way and then just work on studying for the exam.

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