Friday 28 December 2007

Not much and more of the same.

And that is the truth. Christmas was good. I got a sleep in and cleaned the house in what felt like the first time in a month. It was nice to finally catch up on washing etc.

I got the kids back at 4pm with thankfully no troubles. We had a good evening. The kids loved the presents so that was good. Nice to know I can still pick the stuff they like.

Work is still the same. Hours are going down a bit because the store is getting quite. It is the same for everyone. I am getting more than most and just less than one other girl who transferred from Woolworth's so I guess she is already on a contract.

The store manager put a note on the board today saying that the amount to be spent on wages is lower now Christmas is over, and that people will be given hours based on their work ethic and skills needed. We have had a month to shine and it is all decided on performance not popularity!!

Just goes to show that they really do know what is going on!! Appraisals are next week so fingers crossed all goes well for me.

It is really hot here. It is only going to get hotter. 41 on Monday. I wish I was in my new house. Oh well.

Oh the other big news. Bloody nits. Laura had then. I found them Thursday morning just before we were about to leave to go to mum and dad's so I could go to work!! I found some again this morning but I got some different stuff and so far looks ok. No one else has got them and hopefully all will be good. They go to Matt's tomorrow. You can just guess what he is going to say!


Raina said...

Matt should go suck an egg.

Good to hear you had a nice Christmas ... but damn nits! Matt can't really blame you for that though ... kids get them from others at school/socially all the time, when they are that age.

Best wishes for the appraisal next week but bet you don't need it! 2008 is going to be better for you Kate ... and you deserve it.

Just me and the three said...

Thanks Raina.