Sunday 30 December 2007

I am in.....

My appraisal was all good. Bit of a joke going on though about one of the things. Personal hygiene. Ok it includes punctuality as well but even so. I got above average for that. One of the other girls and I were talking and and like she said I should of asked how I can improve on that. So above average is 4. She got a 3. I said I must use a better soap than she does!! Mind you in all seriousness I think it is tied up more with me being early all the time. The store manager always has to let me in so he knows.

Poor mark doing the appraisals. He was not happy as there were a few he didn't want to do. Brett the store manager and I guess others as well did these appraisals. So Brett had his two cents worth but Mark was the one who had to actually talk to us. Mark was telling me about some of them and it is good to know the managers are onto it. It also shows that I am front end controller and as such they tell me stuff like that.

The only thing they had to say negative about me was I needed to soften my approach when directing the girls. Not sure how I will do that. I think that mainly comes from a couple of the girls not liking the fact that I am directing and me getting ticked with them but I will try. Everything else like communication, teamwork etc was fine. You know all the usual bullshit. It is all commonsense really.

The good thing to come out of it is the fact that both Mark and Brett have said they are going to look after me in regards to hours. That is all I need to hear when some girls only got 10-18 hours for the next roster week. They are not happy. I got 34 but that went up to 36 as another girl need to swap a shift.

Mark and I spoke about some of the other girls comments etc and I said I was happy here and unless kicked out I would be staying. He said there was plenty of room for advancement etc. (he has only been with them 6 months!!!) So looks like I am here to stay. I am a supervisor and I am guessing that role will take on more responsibility as time goes on and the store establishes itself.

On a completely different note, I feel fat and foul. I have not been exercising and my eating sucks. So basically I am unhealthy at the moment. My eating usually sucks anyway but to have no exercise as well I am up shit creek at the moment. It is really hard to get to the gym at the best of times in the school holidays but even harder at Christmas time and with me working. So this morning I am going to go for a walk before work. And hopefully everyday this week. The weather here is so hot I won't even try for the gym. Least in the morning it is still cool. As for my eating, during the day it is fine. I come home though and eat crap. I need to stop that. I have a perfect opportunity to have good days and I ruin it by stuffing my face at the end of the day. I am not even hungry. Just want to eat. So back on the wagon today.

Ok off for my walk......

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