Sunday 22 February 2009

Just Cruising along

Not much is happening really. I am officially in my new job as of tomorrow. So that is great. I can now rearrange my office the way I want it. I didn't want to do it until Ann-Marie had gone. Even now I will only do it slowly. I just feel funny about it. But all in all it is exciting. I only had one day on registers last week and then Thursday and Friday were spent with Ann-Marie going over a few things I wasn't sure about.

Things are much the same with D. I have pulled back a bit now I guess. Mainly because he is so confident about me. And it annoys the crap out of me. I am such an open book and I find it really hard to not be. Last night we took the kids down to the park and had a BBQ. He gets on really well with the kids. Although he is corrupting them. The bugger. Of course when it came to bed time the kids got all feral on me. But geez I think it is only fair I enjoy D to myself for a bit before he went home. Laura was really on at him to spend the night. Which I chatted her about. I went on a major cleaning spree yesterday which included washing my sheets. She only bloody said that to him. So he now thinks I did that especially for him. I guess he left last night about 10ish. Although I had given him a kiss on the cheek and a hug earlier I did nothing after that. When he left I made no move to hug or kiss. I went inside before he had even finished pulling out of the drive way lol. Wonder what he made of it all.

And I have to say it was lovely sleeping alone in my bed with lovely clean sheets.

Uni starts back tomorrow. I am still waiting for some of my books to arrive from the book shop but I am quite excited about getting into it again. I am doing a sociology subject about families. I think I am going to find it very interesting. I am also doing constitutional law. Which I hate and have failed before. So fingers crossed this time I will do better.

Taekwondo has changed times. So we won't be staying as late when we go. I am pleased about that. No more late nights for the kids and still time for me to do to homework before my brain shuts down for the night.

I have decided to get a lap top. Only a simple basic one. I only need it for the Internet and for uni stuff. I am not keen on Vista at all but will see. Apparently it takes up a lots of room on the computer. I don't know. Will see.

Also I am over my weight at the moment. Why can't I stop eating. I just don't seem to have the will power and I am over it. I need to really really make an effort so that I start losing weight again so that I get motivated again. I read an article about how we hit a point where we get so sick of it all, and are no longer in our comfort zone so we do something about it. The we lose some weight and people notice, we fit into smaller clothes again and we are in our comfort zone again. So we get slack. This is so very true for me. Although I have lost about 8 kilos and fitting into all my clothes I am still far from my gaol. I also don't feel happy with my body. I hate the muffin top hanging over the edge. No way do I want anyone to see me naked. Thankfully I seem to maintain this weight really well and I have been here before. But this time I want to beat it. I need to get the scales moving again so that will motivate me.

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