Saturday 28 February 2009

And the wheel of life keeps spinning

Just coasting along really. Not much happening. Work is good. I love my new job. I have started sorting the office to the way I like it now which is good. I am so lucky though my work place is great. One of the other managers was saying to someone that we are lucky. None of the other Dan's are like ours. And I have never worked in a place where generally everyone gets on so well together. We are currently planning the Dan Murphy Olympics. Should be interesting. With such games like see who can hold baileys and orange juice in their mouth the longest. bowling involving kegs and cups of beer. Every one you miss you scull down!!!

D is good. We seem to have settled things a bit. He came over Thursday night and it was so nice. We just ended up talking about each other etc. He told me he is not ready to take on the full package that is me. That hurt a bit but after the other day at the beach when the kids were so full on I understand. He said a few other things though that made me feel very attractive and sexy. I think now we have a greater understanding of each other.

Today I am supposed to be going to the beach with D, his 2 year old and D's mum. Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and a wonder around town. That I am really looking forward to. Then D is cooking me a roast but honestly I don't think that will happen tomorrow night. He will be to stuffed to cook, I know I wouldn't want to lol

The kids are going ok at the moment. Patrick seems to have settled a bit. The other day with D it was like it all changed. Thing is though it scared D off a bit. I can't win loll.

I had my hair done again Thursday. Now 3 weeks ago I had the colour changed as it wasn't dark enough for my liking. It got changed to a browny with dark red through it. It looked really good. When I went back this week it had faded so much after only 3 weeks. This is a problem I have been having for a while now. The colour does not seem to stay in the middle and ends of my hair. So they redid the whole thing again. The result is that it is even darker. I wore it straight and down to work yesterday. I have never ever had so many people comment on my hair before. Even the boss commented you have gone darker. It looks nice. So I guess dark it stays.

Well I am going to get dressed and go to the shops and try and find another top. I am sick of wearing the same clothes all the bloody time. I just don't have that many clothes. Even losing weight I have pants and jeans but no tops. Of course I will only just get there and D will call and say they are off to the beach now. But oh well.

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