Thursday 9 August 2007

all quiet on the western front

good. Not much happening really. Well there is I guess. G and I got together again and it was sooooooLol I must be so sex starved. Any way moving on......

boring boring boring really. Taekwondo last night and if I haven't broken a toe I have come very close to it. Swelling as gone down a lot. It is the colour of plums and the one next to it is a bit better. I am hobbling around like an old lady at the moment and it of course has put paid to any exercise for a bit.

The kids were so awful when they came home from their dad's Tuesday. It was horrible. The instructor at taekwondo told Patrick and Lachlan that they were not to train the next night as their behaviour was that bad during the class. Do you know how embarrassing that is? I was devastated. I often feel like I am the worst mum. I know deep down I am not but geez it is so hard dealing with these kids when the male role model in their lives is such a dick.

Oh more news on the house. The woman in there at the moment is cracking it saying we are not complying with the provisions set out in the act. Lol I just laughed so hard when I read it. Does she not realise whom she is dealing with. I have done property law woman and you don't have a leg to stand on. We are not evicting you we are just not renewing your lease. So basically if you don't get out of the house on the date you are supposed to then you are going to be the one breaching the act. I will have great pleasure in fronting up to the RTT. Bring it on!! Ok so the up shot of that is she is trying to bluff us. I called her bluff and sent her a lovely letter setting it all out and telling her we are not mediating. She may gain more time but love you are so out of there!!

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