Monday 27 August 2007

Just ticking along

Not much happening really. I have spoken to M now twice on the phone. Nearly two hours tonight. Lol that is my fault. I do have a bit of a bad rep for talking to long on the phone. Both J and G can attest to that. I think I am feeling ok about it all. We have both said slow. I have told him I am wary. But we both said friends and if something more well and good. Added bonus. We are meeting again on Monday for lunch.

Kids had an ok weekend with their dad. So they should have after last time. I think he is planning something because I don't believe people change. There is just stuff he is doing, like taking Patrick to a counsellor. Letting Patrick go to his friends place. Something is up. Call my a cynic but honestly I don't believe people change least of all this man. It was only a week ago that he was blaming me for Patrick's behaviour because I am a liar and a cheat and a slut. So whatever he is up to can't be good. I think it has something to do with me wanting to change the kids school. Time will tell. I am changing the school regardless of what he says. Of course I won't just do that but I have already written the nice letter asking him to let me know his concerns and reasons for them not to change and I haven't heard a word. If he was serious he would have tried to discuss it. I repeat he will never ever change and I smell something so ripe at the moment it could quite possibly be fish!!

Went out to lunch today with Rachel. (yes we have kissed and made up! sort of lol. I just need to keep my mouth shut. She has a mental illness so I have to take that into account) Any who we both had the Surf and Turf! lol never had it before but gee it was nice.

No exercise today but back into it with G tomorrow. I think I will give him permission to whip my butt!!

Posted off my police app today. Fingers crossed.

Oh will find out about my house next week as well. The woman is supposed to move out next Sunday. Keep fingers crossed for that one as well!

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