Saturday 4 August 2007

Building up heros

Patrick had soccer this morning. The coach for the other side was awful. Very vocal and rude to his team. It was not good. For some reason the other team got a goal because of our mistake. Something about a rule that we don't know about or something. I didn't understand it.

Then Patrick got a goal. Then the other team got a goal then Patrick got another. (ok imagine this drawn out throughout the game with many near misses and lots of parents screaming support to their loved one!) Anywho, the ref ( I swear he was only 12 lol) ok the last goal but the other coach who was standing near the middle of the field claimed our team was off side. (please please don't ask me what that rule is as I am still only just wrapping my head around it) Now because that coach was a rude loud mouth the ref back down and said our goal didn't count. How on earth that coach could see that it was off side from where he was standing is beyond me but there you go. Our poor team have not won one match all season. Se they were pretty disappointed but honestly they played so well. They came off and all of us told them that it didn't matter as they are getting better and better. Which they are. But you just had to feel sorry for them.

After that we went to a taekwondo competition. It wasn't fighting it was forms. 3 people from our club were competing. We got there just in time which was great and considering I only decided to call in on our way to Nana's. They did really well but we left before they announced what the scores were.

Then we went to my Nana's (mum's mum) for a birthday lunch thing as it was my aunt's birthday the week before mine. Lots of party food to be had and I am so not hungry. But it was a great afternoon but now I am just tired.

I need to get my eating sorted again now. The last week hasn't been to bad but it needs to be better. Got to really make that effort to get back into the groove again. (and make sure I chose hard core exercise over sex lol)

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