Monday 20 August 2007

The low down

Ok so the exchanging of emails with the new man are continuing. M seems very eager. Which part of me is wary about. I just want to scream I don't know. He is nice. He is great. Wants to meet me but happy to wait until I am ready. (go suck on that J) So why is part of me hesitant?

I think it is because I look at what I have with G and J now. Especially J. But I have known them for over 2 years. I have built up a relationship with them. Now I have to start over again. I had a real connection with J do I have it with this guy? I don't know.

Just thinking now I have chatted via email to a couple of guys last year. (in one of my I need to stop talking to J moods.) But the emails fizzled out. But I am looking forward to this guys emails. I get excited when he txts. He is not smothering me with Oh you are beautiful, calling my honey or babe. He has said I seem like a sweet lady (ha he really doesn't know me does he?) He did also say I was cute. That is the extent of it and that is fine. I hate those guys who say all those things after 5 seconds of emailing. He talks about how he is excited about meeting me???? Ok well perhaps he is. Who am I to judge that. He however has also said that we need to be honest and if after meeting or in fact even before and one of us doesn't see it going further then speak up. So that is good.

I should just rip the bloody band aid off quick. Get the phone call and meeting out of the way and be done with it. Then I will have a clearer picture. I do like the fact that he doesn't have kids or an ex wife. Selfish of me but true lol.

I will let you all know. I bet by the end of the week I will succumb and be talking on the phone lol

Lol I was just rereading that. I really don't have a life!! This is the only guy at the moment who is interested in me and look at this entry. How sad am I?? Oh well

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