Wednesday 1 August 2007

did a bad bad thing.....

So G txt me today. Said did I want a PT session or a birthday session in bed. Ummm ahhh. I took my time deciding. Lol. I went to the gym on Monday and am still feeling the effects today so that was my excuse for picking the birthday session. Do you know what though? It wasn't that good. I mean it was but it wasn't. We chatted for a while first which is great but the sex is just sex. I do want more. I want the loving feelings that go with the sex not just the act itself. Does that make sense or am I just weird? I know if I get the choice again I will chose the gym! I feel guilty for not getting to the gym today now lol.

Also don't get me wrong the sex was good, I just want more.

So how is that for juicy details lol.

Not much else to report. R is in hospital with a broken foot and lower back. Her prowler is back (if there is one) she is lying to K and myself. I refuse to get involved this time. I know that sounds cruel but I can not be bothered going into the back ground of this as it is to long and detailed. Suffice to say that R has major mental issues that is are being dealt with drugs alone and nothing else. The drugs are just getting upped all the time but nothing else is happening is that enough for everyone? Please say yes lol. Anyway I have enough to cope with here without having to go through all that again.

Oh I am back into the study. Yippee. I haven't been studying for the last two semesters for the basic reason I haven't had the money too. Sad but true. So this semester I tackle commercial law. I am a week behind already because of my Nana last week so I have to get my butt back into gear.

Playing it safe and not saying that things with J are moving along ok. But I don't want to jinks it by telling anyone lol

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