Wednesday 5 September 2007

the fantastic role model called Matt

I have just had my youngest son, and not for the first time, tell me how fat, ugly and horrible I am. I am an idiot, greedy and selfish. All because I asked him to put his shoes on at taekwondo. He didn't want to so I said find and started walking to the car. He let rip. I told him that he will not be staying with Nana and Baba while he continues to behave like that. He burst forth with more abuse. Honestly I could have been listening to Matt.

I really really do not know what to do. I didn't give him a kiss and a hug at bed time tonight. I told him that he has made me upset and hurt my feelings. Of course that went down well so I then took away his beanie kids. He is quiet now. I will try and talk to him in the morning but I have done it so many times before I know it won't make any difference.

Where is my bowl of milo cereal?

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