Sunday 7 October 2007

All is right with the world.

That is how it feels when I get my kids back. Of course once they really start fighting I will be thinking differently. This time it is going to be heaps different though as they will be spending time one on one with mum and dad. Patrick is first tonight. They had an ok time at their dad's. Matt hurt Patrick again. Took his phone away again. Patrick felt a need to pick up a stick and protect himself because Matt was angry at him. Why can't Matt see that he is going about disciplining the kids all wrong. Patrick never feels the need to pick up a stick to protect himself from me. He is not frightened of me. Yet he has told me he gets frightened of his dad. Very sad.

Friday night I went out with Rachel. She ended up driving. I had a bit to drink which was nice. Been a while. Same creepy bald man tried to chat me up again. He is always there. Rachel and I have pretended to be gay before in the vain hope he would leave me alone. But each time we go there he always tries. A nice man came up just as we were about to leave. Looking back I should have danced with him but it was just nice a half decent man thought he would try his luck with me lol.

Dragged myself off to bed at about 3.30. Then woke up at 6.08!! Rachel was leaving her place at 6.30 to pick me up to get my car which was at her place. Then I drove down to Seacliff to find these bloody stairs that G told me about. This time I found them! I went up them half a dozen times I guess then I went for a walk along the beach. My legs today are so sore! It is great!! I only said to G the other day did he think I would ever be sore again like that. I like that soreness. It is the sore that you know you have worked hard!!

Taking the kids rollerskating today. The leisure centre have just started doing it $5 each. They only offer it once a month and last month the kids were at Matt's so they are really looking forward to it.

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