Thursday 18 October 2007

rolling rolling rolling

Well I am hanging in there. I spoke to the manager of the recruiting section. I can reapply in 12 months. Apparently I am compulsive about following rules and not enough confidence. Ok maybe the confidence but please the rule thing??? Would you call someone who puts glues in lock's so their ex husband can't get into the house following the rules compulsively? Yeah sure. And isn't following the rules what they want? From what she was saying it I think it was mainly the confidence thing. I was talking to my taekwondo instructor and he said yeah the confidence thing yes.

I know that but if it was my job I would be confident. I guess they need it all over the shot. I don't know.

I am pretty shitted off over the whole thing, actually. I am waiting for the pysch who did the interview to call me back. I will be asking him some questions that is for sure. Nothing to lose. However shitted off or not it is good to know that the door is not completely closed.

So I have applied to so many retail jobs online it isn't funny. I have been shortlisted for a interview for a position at coles at Brighton (near G). Not ideal but I will worry about it if I get the job. It is always easier to get a job once you have one. Time will yet again tell.

I have been fairly down the last few days. Just the heap of shit in my life that i have to deal with is getting bigger and bigger and I can't seem to shovel quick enough. And I will say it again. Just to have that special guy in my life just to hang out with etc would make the world of difference. All the other shit honestly would be so bearable if I could just have that one person who was there for me and I didn't have to put on the brave face.

Ok moving on. I went for a chat to the principle's (more than one for different sections of the school) at the kids new school. Looks good. Of course there are bits that I like better about Reynella but hey deal with it. They are big on soccer which will make Patrick happy. The kids all seemed nice and polite. As much as kids can be anyway, which is always a good sign. I gave them all the goss on the fact that Patrick needs a firm teacher who will follow through with clear consequences if he crosses the boundaries. They were most appreciative that I told them that. They said most parents would say oh my kids are perfect. My view is that is to Patrick's detriment if I don't tell them and they give him an airy fairy teacher and he plays up.

I want my house. I want to move. Who knows what will happen. Realistically I am sure this woman will stay in the house claiming it is Christmas time, blah blah, but we have the order and we can get the bailiffs in. And so help me I will call them in!!!

Well that is it really. I got in contact with G to get together this weekend. I just need to hang out with someone who I always feel good around. (as long as he doesn't talk about my weight) I have no money so we are going to do the stairs lol. Weird isn't it?? I am meeting a guy to go and run up and down some stairs!!!! Still it will be good as I am sure that will stop and chat as well.

Also off to taekwondo Saturday morning. It is good to be back. However a couple of families have discovered that Tuesday nights you get more one on one training because not many people go. Well it bloody won't be soon if they all work it out!! I will admit it I don't want more people coming. I love Tuesdays as it is just black and red belts plus us 4!! So piss off you other people and let me enjoy my Tuesdays lol.

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