Monday 29 October 2007

and the tension builds

I just rang Harvey and the guy is still thinking. Who knows if it was the right thing to do or not. On one hand it is great that I did it as it shows I am keen and happy to be a bit pushy to get what I want. Which could translate into get that sale. On the other hand I appear pushy and he doesn't like that. So I am not out of the running yet so that is good I guess.

Laura hasn't thrown up in a while so hopefully she is over it now. I left a message at Matt's work saying be at school or he doesn't get the kids. He is such a dick. He wants me to make my life around him. It doesn't work like that. These are his kids. I am happy for them to stay home but of course it means I miss out and that sucks. But least I know they are ok with me. We shall see at 3.20. I left a message on his home phone as well just in case. The woman at his work wasn't keen to take the message. She said it puts her in a hard place. I told her that I needed to let him know and I am just asking her to pass the message on. Geez surely it isn't that hard. But then who knows what he has told them about me.

So waiting waiting waiting. Please please please let this be my job. You guys will be the first to know. Well after I ring mum and dad and txt G and Karen! lol

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