Friday 26 October 2007

waiting waiting waiting

So the interview on Wednesday went great. Well I thought so anyway. I was there for over an hour and the guy and I chatted about a lot of things. Turns out there is only one position. I was supposed to find out today. I haven't heard a word. Is that good or is that bad??? It is really hard to stay positive and think yes I have it. The power of positive thinking and all because it is going to be a let down if I don't get it. Does that make sense? It would be a great job. Money, Selling stuff I like, money, being around people all the time, and of course the money. There is the side that I am going to go into complete shock working full time again and trying to study. Well I have never worked full time and studied so it will be a big rearrangement of my life. But money I need the money man. Show me the bloody money.

So I will wait.....

Only got the boys home tonight. Laura is off to a friend's house for a sleep over. It is the friends birthday so she invited Laura and another friend to sleep over. They are going out to dinner at Cafe Primo then off to the beach house tomorrow. Half her luck. Wish we could do that. Single mum, working full time, one child and a dad who pays his share of child support. She admits she has it good money wise. She is a lovely lady though we get on well.

Had a course today. Admin 1. It is run through the Office of Community Housing. No cost. Don't have to go but mum conned me into it. The lady taking it is great. She mediated some of our meetings when we had trouble. So we had a good catch up and she was telling me about a non renewal of lease they had that the RTT said yep they are to go and then the appeals board so no she can stay!! Sooooooo wrong. They have now employed a lawyer. It would seem that the appeals board has over stepped the mark. I would have thought that the RTT was the higher power??? Anyway she is going to let me know what happens.

Patrick has cricket in the morning. Oh what fun oh what joy. Least Laura and Lachlan won't be fighting if Laura isn't there. I will take the puppy with us so that should keep Lachlan occupied for a bit. Then there is always abc kids on my phone for the rest of the time. It is just soooo bloody boring. I read normally. I look up when Patrick is bowling. I look up when he is batting and that is it really. Can you tell Iam not a cricket fan.

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