Monday 14 May 2007

Am I really this fit???

I find it hard to believe that after an hour of being absolutely pushed to my max I feel fine. I guess tomorrow will be the true story!! I swear he worked me harder this time. He put more squats in this time but I did say that I am ok with my arms but wish my legs would tone up, so I guess he took that on board. The only way I think in all honesty that he is working me harder is because he made me do more push ups lol. I am not talking girly ones either. Geez. 15 to start with, then we went and did something else then another 10, then off to do something else and then another 10!!! It is funny. I think my arms are getting quite toned yet I struggle so much on some of the machines and feel like I just can't do it anymore. (maybe because the weight is going up and up lol) but I seem to be able to do lots of squats and lunges! Weird.

Anyway he said I did really well so that is good. But you know what I am going to do though? Practice my push ups and my lunges and squats etc so that when I see him next week I am just that little bit better. Lol least I have something to aim for.

And just to an aside of all that. Seems the girl he is smitten with is purely physical. He said she is a lovely girl, however...... lol he thinks he is just really attracted to her but not to her personality. He thinks he is to picky. But hey if this girl wants babies and he is not into her better he figure it out now. But I did ask how much he time he had spent with her and he said not much. So my point was perhaps he needs to spend a bit more time with her to get to know her more? It was funny though. he said they went out to dinner Saturday and she yabbered a lot. I laughed and said well you should be used to that with me. He said no she yabbered!!! I said well that makes me feel better.

I have a first aid course tomorrow. Oh hooray!! I will have to take Laura as she is still not well. I had her home today and after a weekend of high temperatures today she seemed heaps better but she then crashed late in the afternoon. Of course this meant she couldn't go into OSCH and M was not happy. Even more unhappy when I informed him that no way could she go to school in the morning and I would pick her up at 8.30. I am sure she will be fine tomorrow but a day of doing nothing but sitting around reading, colouring in and gameboying will help let her recover. I think I will call into office works and just buy her something from there to help keep her amused.

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