Tuesday 15 May 2007

up and down like a yo yo

not strictly true but sometimes feels like it. today I had my first aid course day one. Predictably boring but interesting in some parts. It has been about 14 years since my last first aid course (lol doesn't that sound like a confessional!) Amazing what has changed.

Laura did come with me and she was as good as gold. Very well behaved. She is a lot better but stilll not able to make it through the day without crashing towards to end so another day off school tomorrow I think. I did get a lovely compliment today in the form of no way am I old enough to have three kids let alone one who is nearly 10!! I may look like my dad but I seem to have gotten mums stay young looking genes!! No way am I going to complain about that one.

No taewkwondo tonight because of Laura not feeling well. We were going to go but it was going to be to late of a night and it just wasn't fair. Patrick of course cracked it and said it was all Laura's fault. Of course then went off at him. He shows no respect for anyone in this house. I have had it with him. He knew I was ticked off. I told him I didn't want him around me as I really didn't like his attitude and it needs to change. However we have had this conversation numerous times to no avail.

Mum and dads arrival has been delayed yet again. The trades people are behind. But that is because people in the co-op aren't as efficient as they should be. Drives me insane. I just want to organise it myself so then it all gets done. Arghhhhh.

Tomorrow is a new day. I am going to bed thinking happy thoughts so I have happy dreams and wake up happy.

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