Monday 21 May 2007

and on it goes

Annie my 5 year old Burmese is tonight at the vet's. She hasn't been herself the last few days. It seems that she may have something wrong with her liver. I spoke to dad and he said if that is the case then put her down as that happened with one of their cats and they just went down hill fast. It is very sad. I haven't had Annie very long as she came to me after I lost Minnie my last Burmese. Although I am not as attached to her like I was with Min it is still very very sad. Lachlan was upset when I told him as well. The vet is ringing tonight to let me know the results of the blood tests. Fingers crossed.

Another session with G today. He made me run for 20 minutes varying the speed from 8 then up to 10kms. It was so hard then of course we had the rest of the hour for him to torture me in other ways lol. Of course I love it.

Friday I had another pinch test done. Although the overall total only worked out to be 2% less than what I was before I was stunned by how much I lost off of various body parts. The most being off my hips and belly. None of my chest. Which doesn't surprise me. I always lose it off my middle first and put it on there first. I was telling G about it and he said most women have it another way round. Lol I like not being most women!!

One thing it did achieve was show me not to rely on the scales. My weight on the scales has not changed much over the last few months but last week I had to get rid of another pair of jeans as I could take them off without undoing them. They kept falling down and driving me nuts. So I guess I just need to not overeat. Keep exercising and have my fat tested more often. Oh joy. But I am liking my body a little bit more than I have before which is a positive thing. There is a good outcome to the hard work I have been doing. I am actually feeling a bit chuffed that I can see how much this hard work is paying off.

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