Wednesday 30 May 2007

Just Hanging in

Had the last day of my first aid course yesterday. I passed so that is good. So glad it is over though. I called into see G on my way home as I finished early. It was such a winter day yesterday. There he was all tucked up in his place with his trackies on etc. I was so jealous. He looked so cosy lol. He did have to go out later so that made me feel better. The day before I had my PT session with him. He has changed venues now. (very long story) But he is much happier here as this is where he used to manage. So everyone knows him and he is getting more work. My PT session sucked. Only because of me though. I only lasted 15 minutes on the treadmill. He had me going 1 minute 8 then one minute10 kms. (He did tell me this was good as last week it was 2 minute intervals) I was stuffed though. I then couldn't do my push ups. I was so pissed off at myself. Ok so I didn't go to the gym last week cos I was sick but even so. I was not happy.

I am still not back at the gym. Money is not even tight I just don't have it. It is ridiculous. So today I have to go for a run. Then I need to come home and do my weights. Can you tell that I am not looking forward to it???? It is cold outside and wet. The gym in not!!!

Mum and dad get here on Friday night. I can't wait. Don't know what I am feeding them. Their money situation isn't much better than mine at the moment because of the move. Just wish I could hear back from the cops soon then I would know that is moving along.

Oh still talking to J. Had a couple of tumultuous days. Ok so we still haven't met but I have stuff I need to work on as well. My self esteem being one of them or I am going to end up being a very high maintenance girlfriend and I don't want that. But shit it is hard telling myself that I am worthy. He is supposed to be working on some dates for us to get together. Time will tell. Oh he finally admitted that he wants a relationship with me. Catch is that he sees us in a relationship already so if he is ok with that at the moment where is the incentive to meet when things get stepped up a notch.

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