Sunday 13 May 2007

ho hum

Mothers day hey? really I wouldn't have known it!!! I miss mum and dad and know how different things are going to be once they are here. Only a couple of weeks now and they will be here for good. Mum is stressing, I know she is looking forward to it just as much as I am.

Laura is still not well. She is better but not 100%. I think I will keep her home tomorrow. Of course this now means I have to ring her dad and tell him he is going to have to take time off work to come and collect her at 3.30 as that is when they are in his care. Normally she would have to go to OSCH but if she is sick she can't. I am waiting until after 10 when he is at church before I ring and leave a message. I don't want to talk to him and this is the easiest way. I am meeting G again at Revive tomorrow afternoon (which is why M will have to pick up Laura) for another torture session. But I can't wait. I didn't end up going to the gym Friday and of course haven't been able to go yesterday or today. So today I plan on doing bob and doing some weights work today.

Off now I guess to clean and do washing. How exciting. Depending on the weather and Laura we may drag the bikes out and try and get Lachlan off his training wheels. Last time it was cut short due to the fact he broke his arm. See how we go this time.

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