Tuesday 8 May 2007

so much for the coffee.

Ok I don't drink coffee but even so. The have a look around my new gym and then lets go for coffee turned into an hour long biggest loser type workout and then a two hour chat with G. He pushed me hard and it was great. No way could I push myself that hard. I get to go again next week as well. The equipment is fantastic as well. Makes my gym look cheap and nasty.

Our chat was great. I do really like being with him. He is smitten with this girl. They met last Friday when he was having good bye drinks with the guys from his old work. It was a bit of "our eyes met and we just knew type of thing" apparently they were making eyes at one another and then she walked passed him and bumped him. Said sorry and G said no you meant to do that and it went from there! All very sweet and he must really like her as no more extra curricular activities for us. Which I am pleased for him. Yeah ok a bit jealous but oh well. I hope I get to meet her. She does sound lovely. She is 35 with a 6 year old son and her husband died 4 years ago from cancer. How tragic would that be??

Got the secret today. I have started reading it. It does all make sense. Some of it I sort of fit in with my own beliefs though. The silly thing is that my beliefs are totally opposites to how I have been thinking. It is very very silly. I am a christian and I know that I am not supposed to be living like this. I am not supposed to be worrying about money. I can ask for things and they are given to me. Yet it is taking this book for me to go back to that. oh well what ever it takes really. I am not saying I am a good christian but the background is there. So yes I do need to start thinking differently and things will fall into place. I know this. But guess what Tracey as you say it is so hard. It is really really hard to change those negative thoughts. But the fact that I am on to it is a step in the right direction.

Had taekwondo tonight. I am so sore and worn out it isn't funny. Tomorrow I drop the kids to school and come home and stay there until 4.30. Patrick has soccer so the kids are in OSCH until that starts. So a nice relaxing day at home with taekwondo tomorrow night. I should be ok for it by then lol.

I am missing J but thinking positive about it all. (well doing my best to!!)

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