Saturday 13 October 2007

we regret to inform you......

surprise surprise....... I tried to ring to get feedback which they said to do but no one has rung back.

I am pissed off that one man had the power to do this to me. He doesn't know me. He does not know that if my job required it I can be dominate and forceful. I can think outside the square. I do it all the time. I can adapt to different situations. I could handle someone going off at me. Who cares, those dick's aren't my friends, so I don't care if they go off at me.

I really wanted that job. I wanted the variety it would have brought. I wanted to be able to help people. I WANTED TO BE A BLOODY COP!

So moving on. I have applied online to so many retail places. Angus and Robertson, Sanity Music, Coles and all their affiliated stores, Woolworths and all their affiliated stores (amazing how many are owned by the same people) I have written I enjoy opportunities to provide superior customer service that many times it isn't funny. Because I haven't worked I struggle for references. I am using someone from the co-op and G. Bless him. I guess I have been doing so much work for him lately he can comment on that as well as friendship.

I just feel so old all of a sudden. My law degree is so far away. I really don't want a checkout chick job, but I am not really qualified for anything else. And lets face it I am good at it. It will be good just to get out of the house and meet people.

Not many people know about the cops yet. I just don't really want to talk about it. I sort of knew last week so I am not as upset as I thought but even so. I do the whole pretend everything is just peachy. Yet again. Just be nice to have the special guy in my life, my best friend who knows me so well to hold me and say it will be fine. Where I don't have to hold it together, just for a few minutes. Lol well I guess he won't be a cop!! Who knows when and where he will turn up but hey mister I could do with that hug soon!!!!!!

So school holidays are drawing to a close! Thank god. The kids have been great. They drove me insane last night just with their silliness but generally they have been good. Lachlan has been out twice on his bike and yesterday he did great. Hopefully we will have time today and he will really get it but not sure if we will have time. We are going horse riding this morning and then dropping Lachlan at mum and dad's for the night and I am taking the older two to see Evan Almighty.
Fingers crossed someone will call next week begging me to work for them. lol. I do live in hope don't I. Like I told G the other day. It never in the past takes me long to find a job when I put my mind to it. So hopefully it won't take long this time.

talking of G. Laura said to me the other day, "have I met G" I told her no. She then went on to say she wanted to meet him. I said she could come with me to the gym if she wanted but she would be bored so would have to take a book etc. She was ok with that. Gets up the next morning decides that she doesn't want to after all. I told G. Lol I think he was a bit put out she changed her mind.

Wednesday when the kid were in Vac care. I drove down to the gym to drop the stuff off to him. He wasn't there so I just txt saying I left them there. He txt back saying he just got home if I wanted to call in and say hi. So I do just that. I go in, flop down on the couch and he says to me "where are the kids" I told him. He goes Oh that was the whole reason I said to call in so the kids could meet me!! I just laughed and said G you do not want my three kids here. He just said oh they would have been ok for 5 minutes. I find it funny that after 2.5 years he now wouldn't mind meeting my kids. I don't have a problem with it at all but just not high on my priority list to arrange it.

Oh and add to my woes at the moment, I think my microwave blew up last night. It started making weird noises and the light was flashing on and off. I quickly stopped it but when I opened it there was a bit of smoke and some black crap in it. Just what i need. Not.

Ok enough. Ramble over. Back to life.


Raina said...

I'm so sorry, Kate :(

I guess the old adage about "when God closes a door, He opens a window" applies here ... you are a very smart woman and I can just see you in the future with your law degree and doing so well, with all this behind you.

But it still sucks, short-term :(


Just me and the three said...

yeah it is the whole long term short term thing isn't it? Sucks big time. But least the door is still open a tiny bit for me to try again.

Thanks Raina.