Friday 23 November 2007

Just how bad do you want this job?????

People do astound me at times. Ok this store is going to be over populated with staff after Christmas. There were so many people there today. There are only 4 registers so on a normal week they are not going to need 20 checkout chicks! Even working part time!!

Chatting to another guy yesterday and he said that he had been talking to the boss and he said oh yeah after Christmas people will be leaving!!!!

So if that is the case why the fuck are people so obviously doing nothing during the day???????

I ended up working with this guy yesterday and as we were going to put some stock away we walked past a couple talking. One holding a broom, the other a dustpan and broom. Just standing and talking. I made the comment of "there are so many people standing around doing nothing when there is so much to do at the moment" He told the me yep and they are getting noticed!!!

Turns out that this guy was the stock supervisor!! Lol.

A bit later in the day The boss said anyone he has been here since 9 or 10 can have the option of going home in an hour. A few things needed to be done first then if they wished they could go. Well five minutes later they were all standing around leaning on trolleys etc talking. While a handful of us found something to do until the next stock truck came in. After they had left the stock supervisor said "well if you want to know who is coming to the Christmas party look around this is it!!" Very very interesting!!

Got my roster for next week and basically after today I am working everyday until next Friday. I am going to be stuffed. Luckily it is only about 5 or 6 hours each day. I miss taekwondo next Tuesday but can go Wednesday and Saturday so that is good.

Oh and the girl I want to continually beat senseless because she annoys me so much is pregnant!! So will certainly only want part time now. Ok yes I really do want the supervisors job now!!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!

What else?? Oh my radiator has been leaking coolant for a while. I spoke to the crash repairers because I think it is crash related. They wanted me to send the car to Edwardstown get it taken out and then the assessor looks at it says yes or no and if no then I have to pay up and get it fixed. I cracked at that. So now I am taking it to my mechanic. My mechanic is wonderful and he had a great talk this morning. He said without even looking at it of course it is crash related!! The replaced the air con condenser and that is within millimetres of the radiator. I laughed and said so you rest your case!! Yep he said. So that is happening Wednesday. So hopefully Peter will get the assessor to back down. I think they regret not writing my car off and it has ended up costing them money. Well hey tough luck mate you made your bed.......

Ok better hang some washing out. Trying to get organised. I have so much to do really. The floors are foul here, the lawns need mowing, I have study to do and I have not even looked at the material yet, I am going out to lunch with mum and dad, I have to organise work to begin on a co-op house. Have I mentioned the trashed house?? I will look back. Not got time now but I will check and if not I will fill you in. It is a doozy!!

Should just mention that i have not thought about J for a while now and it is great. I am loving my job. I am loving the fact that it is starting from scratch and I am part of that. It is very exciting and stuff Harvey Norman. This was the reason why I didn't get that job. I will be even happier when I get paid next week. Things are really bad money wise right now but next week things will be good. Not great but good. Will ease the pressure a lot.


Tracey said...

Oh Kate I love your last paragraph. Yes this is most certainly the reason you didnt get the job at HN. Your enthusiam is making me smile.

Just me and the three said...

Wouldn't it be great if we could bottle it though for days when we just get the shit kicked out of us???