Monday 19 November 2007

one down and a long way until retirement

No seriously it went well. More of an indication that I am going to be "front end controller" When I got to the store I was shown everything the supervisor does. She is assuming that is what I will be doing. Very interesting considering no one has really told me. This woman and I had a bit of a chat and she said that she had spoken to Mark (the guy who interviewed me and organising things so far) that they did want someone senior.

But N was there. This is the woman I wanted to smack out Saturday. And if I wanted to smack her out then today I wanted to pummel her into the ground. It was fairly obvious that I was training for supervisor. She was not really happy about this. Asking if I was going to be supervisor, had I actually applied for the supervisors position, was I full time???? She basically wants the job. She is younger than me. I would guess in her 20's. She is just one of those people who knows EVERYTHING. So if in fact I do end up supervisor I can see that I am going to have trouble with her. The thing is that next year she only wants to work school hours as her daughter starts school. How can you be supervisor if you are only working part time?? ummmmm tell me how???? So miss know it all put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So although it is very exciting that I may be supervisor. I mean geez how good will this look for the cops next year??? No confidence my foot! But on the other hand it is very scary!! I have no product knowledge and no knowledge of the workings of the store either. I did discuss this with Sharee today and she said you pick it up and you will be fine. We discussed heaps today and I am sure that some will get back to Mark. It should be good if it did. So I don't know. If I was supervisor, it also means that I don't have to be on the register all the time, it means I am not just a checkout chick. And it think after all my time as a checkout chick I am due for more than that!! So fingers crossed for Wednesday.

You know what else? It is amazing how times have changed. Lol how old do I sound now???? But I felt old. When I last worked retail,over 10 years ago we had a cash register, we counted our float when we got to work and when we finished work. Now???? Nope it is all touch screen, you don't have to count the money at all. You just put it all in a bag and I mean all bar your money for the morning ($390. In any form so I guess the cash office puts it into nice useable amounts for the morning), so your bag is just a massive mish mash of coins and notes. It goes to the cash office then gets picked up by the armoured guards people. So much better.

Ok time to admit something. I am hopeless at maths. Any type of adding, subtracting etc. So it is good that the computers do it all for you. But if I stuff up.... Panic stations. I just freeze because I don't want to look like a fool and then my brain stops working. I have been practicing counting back to give the right change but I got into a tizz when someone gave me a $50 plus extra change. We all do it... you know what I mean..... you haven't got the exact money but you have the exact coins etc. It has taken me ages to get that one. I think I have it sorted now with mum's help. But that is what I mean I am totally clueless and stupid when it comes to stuff like that and I hate people knowing it, because then they see me as stupid because it is all so simple for everyone else. I just have keep playing it out in my head until I really get it. Ok confessions over!!

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