Wednesday 21 November 2007

Whine anyone?????

Geez what a day. So first to the supervisors thing. Found out nothing so in the end I asked!! Mark said that they had not sorted positions yet and he was going to be guided by what the trainers said (I am assuming the others in the stores we visited. So Sharee in my case). So that is fine. The only thing is that other chick had two days with Sharee and tomorrow as well. Whereas I will only see her tomorrow for a short amount of time. So who knows. I think now I do want it. And I really don't want that other girl to have it.

SO the deal today was that they only got a few people in as they thought that they would not be getting much stock in. Yeah pigs bum not much stock. Basically spent the day unloading pallets and putting the boxes on the shelves. So it is good. I now know where all the spirits are. Where all the RDT's are. (I still don't know what that stands for but I know it is the premixed stuff so that is the main thing) So hopefully tomorrow a bit more wine will come in and I will find my way around that as well.

But it was all good albeit tiring. I have decided not to go to the gym tomorrow. I don't start work until 12. But after today shifting boxes and carrying them around I don't think I need to. I work until 8 tomorrow and mum and dad are bringing the kids back here after the kids have their swimming lessons and will put them to bed. So I think the time will be better spent in the morning doing a quick tidy up while I can.

The people all seem nice there today. Mind you only 5 of us apart from the managers are actually going to be working in this store. Also there was only 4 females amongst heaps of guys and only 2 of us from this store. Weird. I seem to get on well with this one guy who also seems happy working with me. He is a single parent as well so we have that in common. We are also basically the same age. So it was nice today to chat about lots of stuff, like kids, killer rabbits (his pet rabbit bit him and boy did it do damage) past work history etc.

This is what I was looking forward to.... adult interaction. It means that my alone time I am going to appreciate a hell of a lot more because I am meeting new people and lets face it having a bit of a life!!!!

But for now I am off to bed because although not tired per say I am stuffed!! It does feel different.

Oh before I forget. Had taekwondo tonight. I had spoken to the instructor about grading. I am worrying that if I have to miss a few lessons I won't be able to grade. But he is running through everything I need to know and I will practice at home so I am 100% clear on it and all things running smooth I should be a blue belt by the end of the year. Then I feel I can slow down.

Ok really going to bed now!!

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