Saturday 10 November 2007

Kitty makes three

Yep back to 3 cats again. Luckily I feed all raw food so they don't cost much. She is British Short hair. Like Prowler but is a Tortoiseshell one. (not sure if that is the correct term for her colouring but oh well) The reason we have her is that she is a tea cup cat. A tiny tiny wee little thing. She is quite a few months old. (need to find out really) But she never grew to be as big as her brothers and sisters. Mum and dad still have one of her brothers and he is massive. So finally dad said we could have her.

Now we come to her name!! Lol Kitty kitty...gone. That is her name!! I am sure you are all sitting there going "what the.....?" Little Kitty Kitty Gone is a very timid little thing and the only reason it took so long for us to have her is that we couldn't catch her. (all these cats are inside cats!) I was helping mum and dad one day and she was in the door way of the room we working in. I called her. (she had no name at this point) Going Kitty kitty kitty. Like you do when calling a cat. The she just took off. I went oh gone. In a different voice. So that is how she got her name. Kitty kitty gone!!

So don't know how she is going to cope. She is a timid little thing so I have told the kids to just pretend she is not here. We shall just have to wait and see.

Went to the gym today. Just as well as my eating has been a tad crappy. I am supposed to be having my monthly check in with G on Tuesday and the last few days I have not made healthy choices. Mind you I have started eating muesli as it keeps me full for a long time. Thing is I eat a lot of it. And I have been spending the equivalent in the toilet. It is bad. I have never been so regular in all my life. Lol tmi I know but geez I can't get over it. My switch to soy and linseed bread wouldn't' be helping.

So my eating apart from the last couple of days has been better. It is amazing what happens when you have to write it down. I can see that it has gotten better over the weeks. I am not snacking on crap anymore, no longer eating after my evening meal. The only thing I need to work on is portion size. I am having 2 bowls for breakfast (bowls of muesli, the bowls would hurt my mouth to much), 2 sandwiches for lunch when one would be sufficient. So I still have little things to get around. It will be interesting to see if I have lost anything. Fingers bloody crossed. He will kill me otherwise. (well he won't really but he will talk to me and I will be so pissed off at myself for not showing him that I can do it. So stupid to feel like that but oh well)

Off to the gym again tomorrow. Doing Body Balance with Karen. Mum is looking after the kids again. Bless her. This is my last week of freedom so I need to make the most of it. I was going to do Cardio. The class is going to be at 11. So I could only do it after the BB class. Doesn't really make sense to do Cardio after getting all relaxed from BB. But I feel like I should do it. Now thinking about it though. I do that tomorrow, (still get a sweat up doing it) then cardio Monday, see G on Tuesday for weights, then I will be on track. Ok sounds like a plan.

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