Sunday 29 July 2007

hoe hum

Really really not much happening. I have been sitting here getting slightly tiddly with red wine. I am such a cheap drunk. I hadn't even finished the first glass and I could feel it.

Things have been a bit sad the last few days. It is sort of hard to comprehend that my tough old battle axe of a nana is gone.

I went around to Karen's Friday night. They were having trouble connecting to broadband. So I went around there to sort it out. Still not sorted though as their line has to much interference and the ADSL just won't connect. I do remember something like this happening with me so hopefully getting a shorter phone call will help. I ended up staying and watching FNL which was good. A good catch up.

So I got word from G. He was planning on visiting me tonight but it is mum's birthday tomorrow (lol he will never ever ever forget my birthday) so they are having a bit of a do tonight apparently. So I will content myself with my new jim jams, my left over roast dinner, and my red wine lol.

oh J is still around. He is a bit like a bad smell actually.

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