Friday 27 July 2007

Its going to be a long one

My Nana died on Monday. (dad's mum) It was very sudden. It was a sort of thing that you just didn't expect her to do. I expected her to survive it so she could talk about it endlessly.

The funeral was yesterday and it wasn't until yesterday I cried. God it was awful. And crying now remembering it. I mean it was lovely but it was awful. At the graveside it was worse. My kids had been fine and really I don't think they understood. We only ever really saw Nana in the school holidays because it was a two hour trip to get there and the cost of fuel didn't help. But at the grave my kids just lost it. Patrick mainly. (we think Lachlan just joined in because the others did) but I think it just hit for Patrick. He is old enough to know. And I guess the fact that old nana was in this box and we were throwing lavender on it hit home to him. Shit it was hard.

Ok moving on now as I am upset now. Funny couple of stories relate to that. One being Lachlan. Earlier in the week I was explaining to him what a funeral was, where we say good bye and we bury her. So the day before the funeral I said to the kids we were going to it tomorrow. lachlan wanted to know if we needed to bring the shovel!! Of course this got a few laughs when it got told around yesterday.

Another one is when Nana was in hospital last weekend for some reason she had to have her photo taken. (no idea what drugs she was on at this point but I still think she would have done it) she didn't want the photo taken and argued and argued. Finally she agreed, as they took the photo she lifted her top up over her head and flashed them all!! No bra on, nothing!! Would have love to have seen the photographers reaction!!

Not much else is happening. I have J still chasing and seems to be working but not saying much at this point as I am not getting my hopes up. Saw G Wednesday and he was very cagey. I brought it up (although bit hard to talk about us when we are in a gym) and he was a bit funny about it. I said to him so if I jumped you that night we had dinner you would have done it. Bugger said yes lol. However he txt me late last night asking if I had kids Sunday. I replied with no. He just said just checking. I left it at that, but who knows what he has up his sleeve. I know his mum's birthday is on Monday but don't know when he is seeing her. If it is Sunday night I may get a visit after that!!

That is me done. I am feeling down in the dumps. Understandable I guess.

I will put up a photo later of my Nana and myself. It is in the car and I have to take the kids to school.

Oh I got my car back yesterday but no bull bar. The one they got didn't fit. So it will have to go back at some point to have that fitted. But I needed it yesterday regardless. It is so shiny even more than when I brought it. And it has the new car smell again. The novelty hadn't really worn off of having it when I had the accident so now it is like having a new car all over again. Only thing is that I used to LOVE driving. Last night in peak hour it was awful. I was so paranoid. I am never like that. Mum says that will wear off. I hope so.

This is nana and I.
Taken in 1994. My grandpa was really sick and not expected to live to see me married. So nana came with me to one of my dress fittings so she could take some photos to show Grandpa. I am glad I have these photos. I forgot about them but they had put them up for the funeral. (so I pinched them at the end lol)

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