Thursday 19 July 2007

really and truely hanging on today

Took Patrick rock climbing today. I would have loved to have done it but had no one to do the belay for me. Patrick had a good time though. It was good for him I think because he really had to work through it. At first he would stop and ask to be let down when it got to hard but I conned him into keep trying and finding a way up when there weren't that many steps to chose from. He did really well.

Still don't have my car back. Arghhhh I so want my car back. Hopefully I will get the call tomorrow. I am almost out of petrol in this loan car and know that as soon as I put some in they will call me and say oh your car is ready. I don't think I have much fuel in my car so fingers crossed it works out.

So guess who contacted me?...... Yeah ok bet you don't need 3 guesses. It wasn't major but he popped up on yahoo but under his msn thingo. I am a bit unsure how he ended up there actually but there you go. He didn't say anything just must have double clicked and then pressed enter to send to me. Then went off line. I txt him the next day and of course he denies all knowledge. We had a bit of a thing going back and forth. I told him last time not to contact me. This time I told him not to contact me unless it is to fix us. He then said something else and I replied with the don't contact me unless to fix us. Heard nothing since. I guess this will clear it up once and for all won't it? I am sort of feeling better about it now because if he does crawl back I am going to make him work for it that is for sure. Hehe not looking forward to telling G though. We were talking about it on Tuesday and I told him how I really wanted to call J and G and I had a bit of a conversation about why i wanted to do that. (As much as you can in a gym full of people) I told him that I wasn't going to call J and that I was resisting. He insisted that I keep resisting.

Anyone seen that Handy ultra paper towel advert on tv? (Australian) It cracks me up every time for the simple fact that my kids love it. "these are tights...... this is handy...... this is a dog..... this is handy" Who knows why my kids enjoy it so much but hey it is the simple things.

Because on the down side if my kids sit in front of the tv and fight over the cats and which kid they are going to I will scream....... I think we need another cat. One for each kid. Was fine when Annie was still here but only 2 cats and 3 kids. You do the math and work out the fights!! Yep it is the simple things. Mind you I can get the last laugh as it doesn't matter how comfortable or which kid the cat is sitting on I only need to click my fingers and the cats come to me!! lol then thats starts some whinging.

Funny thing I saw today. A bakery with a drive thru!! Next door to KFC. Patrick and I had to have lunch so we went to the bakery. I wasn't brave enough for the drive thru but thought it funny all the same.

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