Tuesday 17 July 2007

hanging in there

So the kids are off to vac care today. It only costs me $12 for all three of them. Gives them a chance to do something good and also to get away from each other (and me). I am stressing a bit as money is really really short and I wanted to do stuff with the kids. If the loan car didn't cost $15 per day I would be ok. But that is going to cost all up over $100.

I am sick also of eating and eating. Well not really as I love food but i am eating to much. I need to do something about that. I only need to lose roughly 10 kilos. Although i am not really looking at the scales more the % of body fat. I would like to get down to 25% body fat and see how we go. So for the next 10 weeks I am going to use calorie king and try my hardest to do this. I mean it isn't a huge amount and yet I find it so hard.

Things are ok with me I guess. Generally I am ok. I am sad I guess for the want of a better word. Maybe because I know this is my life and I just have to accept the fact that it is just me and the kids. I have to make all the decisions, there is no one to tell me that I am special etc and to give a rats about me. That I am the only one who is ever going to do everything like, cook, clean, wash, taxi kids around. That I have to go around and pretend that everything is fine when really I hate living life like this. Doesn't matter if I am sick, I still have to do everything. I can't have a day off. This is my life.

So there you go. Oh btw I did get the whipper snipper started after dad gave me some hints! Like flick a certain switch up!!! opps. But hey that rant still stands because it is true lol. I also managed to get my big pressure pump pack thing working again so I could mix up round up and go kill the massive marshmallow weeds. So there are moments when I think I can do it all! However fleeting they may be!

Off for my PT session today. I am going to instruct G to flog me into the ground. I think I need to be the stuffed I can't think.


Penny said...

oh babe, what was it with monday.
seems we all had the single mummy blues.

sorry that your feeling sad.

Just me and the three said...

yeah it is just sucky isn't it. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I also hope that this weekend is one to knock your socks off!!! (and probably more!)