Sunday 30 December 2007

I am in.....

My appraisal was all good. Bit of a joke going on though about one of the things. Personal hygiene. Ok it includes punctuality as well but even so. I got above average for that. One of the other girls and I were talking and and like she said I should of asked how I can improve on that. So above average is 4. She got a 3. I said I must use a better soap than she does!! Mind you in all seriousness I think it is tied up more with me being early all the time. The store manager always has to let me in so he knows.

Poor mark doing the appraisals. He was not happy as there were a few he didn't want to do. Brett the store manager and I guess others as well did these appraisals. So Brett had his two cents worth but Mark was the one who had to actually talk to us. Mark was telling me about some of them and it is good to know the managers are onto it. It also shows that I am front end controller and as such they tell me stuff like that.

The only thing they had to say negative about me was I needed to soften my approach when directing the girls. Not sure how I will do that. I think that mainly comes from a couple of the girls not liking the fact that I am directing and me getting ticked with them but I will try. Everything else like communication, teamwork etc was fine. You know all the usual bullshit. It is all commonsense really.

The good thing to come out of it is the fact that both Mark and Brett have said they are going to look after me in regards to hours. That is all I need to hear when some girls only got 10-18 hours for the next roster week. They are not happy. I got 34 but that went up to 36 as another girl need to swap a shift.

Mark and I spoke about some of the other girls comments etc and I said I was happy here and unless kicked out I would be staying. He said there was plenty of room for advancement etc. (he has only been with them 6 months!!!) So looks like I am here to stay. I am a supervisor and I am guessing that role will take on more responsibility as time goes on and the store establishes itself.

On a completely different note, I feel fat and foul. I have not been exercising and my eating sucks. So basically I am unhealthy at the moment. My eating usually sucks anyway but to have no exercise as well I am up shit creek at the moment. It is really hard to get to the gym at the best of times in the school holidays but even harder at Christmas time and with me working. So this morning I am going to go for a walk before work. And hopefully everyday this week. The weather here is so hot I won't even try for the gym. Least in the morning it is still cool. As for my eating, during the day it is fine. I come home though and eat crap. I need to stop that. I have a perfect opportunity to have good days and I ruin it by stuffing my face at the end of the day. I am not even hungry. Just want to eat. So back on the wagon today.

Ok off for my walk......

Friday 28 December 2007

Not much and more of the same.

And that is the truth. Christmas was good. I got a sleep in and cleaned the house in what felt like the first time in a month. It was nice to finally catch up on washing etc.

I got the kids back at 4pm with thankfully no troubles. We had a good evening. The kids loved the presents so that was good. Nice to know I can still pick the stuff they like.

Work is still the same. Hours are going down a bit because the store is getting quite. It is the same for everyone. I am getting more than most and just less than one other girl who transferred from Woolworth's so I guess she is already on a contract.

The store manager put a note on the board today saying that the amount to be spent on wages is lower now Christmas is over, and that people will be given hours based on their work ethic and skills needed. We have had a month to shine and it is all decided on performance not popularity!!

Just goes to show that they really do know what is going on!! Appraisals are next week so fingers crossed all goes well for me.

It is really hot here. It is only going to get hotter. 41 on Monday. I wish I was in my new house. Oh well.

Oh the other big news. Bloody nits. Laura had then. I found them Thursday morning just before we were about to leave to go to mum and dad's so I could go to work!! I found some again this morning but I got some different stuff and so far looks ok. No one else has got them and hopefully all will be good. They go to Matt's tomorrow. You can just guess what he is going to say!

Monday 24 December 2007

T'was the night before xmas....

It is all quiet here. The kids are at their dad's. I am worrying about that. He is going to his uncle's tomorrow for lunch. He will drink and then he has to bring the kids back by 4. I hope he gets pulled over or doesn't drink one or the other. As long as the kids are safe.

So the house.......Well she is out. But the house is disgusting. Did I write about the other house? I think so. Well this one is almost worse. Different worse I guess. I just don't know how people live like this I really don't. The toilet was disgusting. To the point of I am getting a new toilet sit. It needs to be repainted after being cleaned and new floor coverings in the bedrooms.Oh and the stove is that bad we are putting in a new one.

On the up side. It has a working air con. One of those recycling ones but the heat doesn't work. But least the cooling does. I was worried there wasn't enough cupboards. Ie linen etc but there will be with what I have here. There isn't actually a linen press but there is a pantry cupboard so the cupboard I use for my pantry here I can use for my linen. The kitchen once bloody clean is good and there is room for a dishwasher so that is good. The yard is quite big. Not as big as here but big enough. No pergola but there is cement there so once the pergola is built don't have to worry about paving. So although I am pleased that it is mine now. I am very disappointed it is still going to be a couple of weeks before I can move in. Least it will be clean.

Work today was amazing. There were queues weaving around the store. Right from when we opened just about until I left. It was just mad. It meant the time went quick. The store manager spoke to me this morning. One of the things we talked about was the supervisor stuff. He said that some of it was his fault as the staff didn't know what was going on. I told him who I was having problems with and why. So hopefully things will start to sort out now Xmas is over, and the silly season starts to die off.

Merry Christmas everyone. I do love Christmas.

Sunday 23 December 2007

Refusual of service

Just a little story.

One of the guys came up to me at work saying how old do you think that guy is. I said under 18. I said we should check ID? Yep. This guy was with his mum and was walking around with johnny black in his hand.

When they came to the register I told Jenna to check ID. The woman went off. First of all saying that it was for her and not her son. She was paying for it. I explained secondary purchase to her and she claimed they were picking it out for son's dad. On and on it went with her saying you can't prove it. I told her no and that was the point we are regulated by the Government if we have reason to believe it is being purchased for minors. She wanted to see a manager. Mark came over and we went through it all again. She the whole time stating she would go to the media. MMMM ok go for it lady. In the end she left with a barrage of abuse and a claim she would take it further.

Which she did. Brett (store manager) called me into the office to quiz me. Had Jenna asked for ID etc etc. I found out later he had called Jenna in to ask the same questions.

Of course to top it all off while that shit was hitting the fan a guy walked out without paying for stuff. Which goes to show that all the register chicks weren't concentrating on what was happening.

OH and remember the chick who is pregnant that I don't like. Well she is getting on every one's nerves. She is pregnant and can't lift a thing etc etc blah blah blah. This is her third child and I get she would be tired. But if you feel like that don't work. Also you can't tell me that she is not lifting her kids at home. She goes on and on about how she must have a break as she starts to get dizzy etc but then goes and eats a packet of chips and ltr of coke for lunch every day she is there. She is just not healthy. I have yet to see her eat anything the resembles a "healthy food". She is also very overweight and I have seen her struggle for breathe. Ok I don't have a problem with her being overweight. What I have a problem with is the fact that she harps on about how she must have this and that because she is pregnant but doesn't look after herself outside of work. It is a bit hypocritical to my thinking. But there you go.

will she or won't she????

Count down is on to find out if the cow is out of my house! She hasn't paid rent in a while and there is a different car there. The rumour of course as well that she has some where else to go. IT is all all adding up to the fact that she is going. I will do a couple of drive bys today to see if anything is happening, but will find out for sure in the morning. I have to work but Dad and someone else are going to do the inspection. Fingers fingers fingers crossed.

Work is good. I am having problems with some of the girls. They don't like the fact that I call them to their registers. At this point I don't know how much pull I have and the girls know that. They are getting shitty with me. Not to my face but you can see the attitude there. One girl yesterday needed change so she walked off her register and went to another to swap some money over!!! WTF. Even I won't do that and I probably am allowed to.

I don't know what is going to happen. I think after Xmas things will all happen. I know they are letting many things slide while this mad time is happening. I got called in yesterday and it was truly mad.

So my plan of attack for tomorrow is to not be a supervisor. Just stay on the register and do my register thing. Let the managers deal with it. We shall she what happens.

Moving on now to a few Matt matters. He was buying beer the other day and Patrick asked him why he didn't buy it from DM, as it was cheaper. He said he wouldn't spend money anywhere where I work!! lol Talk about cutting off your nose.

He also went and saw a lawyer. I can only assume it is about the change of school thing. He told the kids after he got home from the lawyer that they would be going back to Reynella and he would be picking the high school. So now I have that to worry about as well. Although I don't think he has a hope. I wrote to him in August stating my intention to move the kids to a different school. That if he had objections to it to let me know so that we could sort it out. Of course he didn't. Also I am moving into a 4 bedroom home at a cheap rent. No registrar is going to say no to that. I can't afford to do anything else. Mum and dad are close and it is easier for me to work this way. All that aside it is still worrying that court maybe coming up again. I worry that he may try and get an injunction out to put the kids back into Reynella. But when I think about it rationally it shouldn't happen. He left his run to late. He should have done something about it long ago. Also with the new laws I am pretty sure we have to go to mediation first. SO that will delay it further. We just have to get through the school holidays and the kids to start their new school and we should be ok.

Sunday 16 December 2007

Decadant is.......

Watching a chick flick, eating Cafe Primo surf n turf, drinking wine and finishing with a piece of chocolate fudge truffle cake. Well that is my idea of decadence at the moment. Gee it was yummy. The simple fact I could afford to do it was also a bonus.

For those who wish to know the wine was Long Flat red mascato. Yummy. Only the second red wine that I like. I dislike wine that is dry and sucks your mouth dry so this was nice and am now tempted to taste their white mascato. Lol you can tell I have started work in a booze shop.

So things are going along at work. Lines are being drawn and it is clear to see who won't be lasting long. (having said that though I worry about myself. I don't know. Hard to explain. I take on things that maybe I shouldn't. I guess I just take the initiative. I am not content just to stand and pack I will help out the others if they need help. Which I guess is what is going to be expected of me as a front end controller. I think it is my own insecurities.) The chick that is pregnant who is not happy with me having that job who opened her mouth at induction is getting on everyone's nerves and I know that the store manager doesn't like her, as we had a bit of a conversation about her. Ok I shouldn't say doesn't like but she annoys him just as much as everyone. It is like now she is with child she can't do a thing. This is her third but is acting like it is her first. She will not lift a thing. Not one thing. Now please tell me, all you mums of more than one child how many times did you lift the younger child while you were pregnant???? mmmm see where I am going with that..... do I need to say more? Ok then I want. lol. She is just getting on everyone's nerves.

Got abused twice yesterday for refusal of service!! Lol people are funny. They just take it as a personal attack on them. Still I guess it is the age. But there are other people who get refused and do not feel the need to call me names and swear at me. But hey there you go. I don't go home with these people so Pffft to them.

So I have been having trouble with my life at the moment. I feel I am living two lives and I am struggling to make it one. Or at the very least to get them to meet ever so slightly so there isn't such a big gap in the middle. I guess until you live it that doesn't make sense. I pray that things will get easier when I move.

Talking of moving.... The cow in my house, rumour has it, she does have some place else to go. So please please pray for me that she does go.The kids had a visit to their new school and class on Wednesday. Seem to go ok. Hard to tell I guess as it was only a quick visit. Patrick's teacher is also the student counsellor so that is great. I think it may have been planned like that given that I told them about Patrick's troubles last year. The countdown is on to shifting and I seriously can't wait, I am busting for it to happen.

The kids went to Matt's yesterday for a week. They weren't all that keen to go. Mum and dad did the change over as I had to work. Dad dropped by at work to tell me all was well. We were expecting trouble but luckily the cops were there getting coffee. (the macs is opposite a cop station)

Talking of police, police security rang me wanting to know if I would like to apply for police security. As a security officer. When I rang back the woman I needed to speak to wasn't there. So I don't know if there is an application process or what. They are going to send me some information. I don't know what to do. Well no that is not true I think I have decided. They told me that they basically get the ones who don't get into the cops. Then they use it as a stepping stone to get into the cops. Now this is a good thing but being a security guard is very different to being a cop. I would think it would be mainly night work etc. Not what I want. So I think I will stay where I am for the time being. I can later on look at the security thing.

I feel that working at DM is going to be a good thing for when I reapply for the cops. I mean I get the knock back from them and straight away virtually I land this job and end up supervising. What does that say about my confidence? Not sure what it says about not being able to think outside of the square but I have9 months to think of something!

Ok sorry I have been slack in not writing much. I have just been so busy. Even my day off last week was busy. Today is my first day off without kids. Weird!! I have to try and complete my accounting assignment. I haven't even started it yet. The whole study thing is non existent actually so I am hoping to get the assignment out the way and then just work on studying for the exam.

Sunday 9 December 2007

Something is missing....

So I drive home from work and there is something missing. I have this job now which means more money into the house. Not a huge amount but enough to be better off than before. I am soon to have my four bedroom house. (the witch better be out. She is running out of time and she is about to get a letter)So what is missing???

A guy. How sad is that? I have a day off today and I am really sad. I want to share my life with someone. Preferably male lol. When I get home from work my kids don't hug me and say how was your shift? They don't sit on the couch with me and and watch M rated movies with me. They don't appreciate me. And that is fine they are kids. Which is why I would love a guy in my life. I feel I have so much to give someone and yet feel so rejected. Past history has shown that I will hold my hand out in my personal life many many times even though it has been slapped back. I want to hold my hand out to someone who will take it.

I am glad that this time I have deleted all of J's numbers, email address, msn address, everything because now is the time that I would cave and get in touch with him just to have something. Because something is better than nothing. Even if they couldn't be with me just to have that phone call to know they are thinking of me.

I hate that I feel like this I really really do. I don't want to feel like I have to have a guy. And I know we have had this post numerous times before. But honestly my heart hurts. Even G hurts me and he doesn't even know it. lol he doesn't even want to have sex with me anymore. He treats me like one of the guys. Which is good but I constantly think. "why aren't I good enough though" When we are in the gym and he is pointing out the hot chicks he likes I just want to turn around and strangle him. I know he isn't meaning to hurt me but it does. It hurts me that he is in contact with his last girlfriend and he is training her now and he went to her house to fix her treadmill. He sees me as a friend. Which I am pleased that he does. But having no other guy in my life I just wish that he would see me like he sees these other girls.

I am enjoying my job, it is so nice to have adult interaction. Am I selfish to still want more?

Thursday 6 December 2007

and the store opened......

and we were not that busy. However to give DM their due it hasn't been that well advertised mainly because we didn't know when we would be opening. I can understand how hard it is to pin point a date to say yes we will be ready by then. We have the official opening Saturday with SAFM there and a BBQ and heaps of other things. Should be flat out which will make the time go quick.

I had to refuse service to two guys today. I asked them both for ID and the younger one said oh I don't have it and I was only carrying it for him. I said sorry still need your ID. His response was well I am just the driver. I said well where is your licence then. Oh I am not 18!! Well doh mate I am not serving you or your friend. Was funny.

Today was the first day I haven't been to the gym. I am putting the kids in OSCH in the morning so I can go. I really don't want to actually but I should and I will. It just means getting up so early and I want to sleep. Only two more days and I get a day off to rest my tired feet. I really need to invest in some expensive shoes to stop them aching. They are still sore now.

As for study..... what study.

Night all.

Monday 3 December 2007

The kids are home.......

Can you hear the fighting.........

Sunday 2 December 2007

In a blink of an eye.....

mum and dad went to Vic Friday to pick up one of their dogs from friends of theirs where it was being mated. (The people whom I have met are very good friends of mum and dad's) They called into see some other friends they know off the net. The husband of this couple has cancer that has come back so they really wanted to call in and see them.

So while they are there and before they got to S and K's they get a phone call. K has fallen off the truck and been rushed to hospital. He punctured a lung, broke some ribs and has spinal damage. Found out today that he is likely to be a para. I am so glad that if it was going to happen that mum and dad were there for them. With everything that mum went through before they really found out what was wrong with her, she knew what K would have been going through to a certain extent. Dad said the hospital were right on top of things and drugging K up with the steroids even before they were sure there was spinal damage.

It is so sad. I know it is good that he is still alive but it is going to be such a huge adjustment for them all. They live on quite a big bit of property and I am not sure exactly what animals they have. They breed dogs. Although that is mainly S domain, K helps out a lot. I am sure they will survive but it will be a tough road ahead. Least they have mum and dad they can talk to who in a sense have been there and done that.

As for me I have had a very quite weekend. No kids, no work after 7 days straight of it. I have done nothing. Shed tears over chick flicks. Gotten all sad about the fact I have no man in my life. Gotten over that. lol. And am about to go to bed to read for a bit.

Lol shit just looked at the time....nearly 10.30, I was going to go to bed 2 hours ago to read. Good one. I plan on getting up early and going to the gym. I want to mow my lawn tomorrow as well as clean up etc before I get the kids. So no fart arsing around on the computer for me tomorrow.

Saturday 1 December 2007

Can only shake my head

Thursday 29 November 2007

Bugger take two

Took meatballs out of the freezer this morning only to discover tonight that I have nothing to have with them. I am way to stuffed to go and get something especially as it was close to 5 when I got home. Pizza it is and I will cook the balls tomorrow and have them myself over the weekend. (lol couple of meals there)

Started at 8 today and was basically full on until 4. I slowed down though I was stuffed. I really struggled from about 3.15 onwards. It is good doing different stuff but sometimes the checkout looks good. However I am sure that when the time comes I will want to get off the checkout.

The chick that I want to slap was in today again. Complaining about how tired she is and just whinged and whinged. I swear she is acting like she is 7 months pregnant not 5 weeks. I am not the only one who doesn't like her so least it isn't just me. She was quizzing me about the supervisors job again today. For heavens sake I don't know and at this point I don't care. I will get informed in due course what is happening there and I personally think it is the last thing on people's mind at the moment. Poor Mark was struggling with the roster today especially as he found out that his wage budget was about $10000 less than the other stores because we are new. Mmmmm don't know where the logic is there given they are thinking ours will be the busiest store!!!

Looks like I am getting full time hours next week. 9-5 at this point. Not sure which days yet. Poor guy I do feel sorry for him.

It is hot here and I hate it.

Wednesday 28 November 2007


I swore at the kids tonight. The big fat F word. I feel so awful but I had had enough. Let me paint the picture.....

Met dad at the mechanics at 7.30am. He drove me to work and then he took the kids with him to Bunnings to fill in time and then dropped them at school. I started work at 8.00am. Found out that I had not been paid and might get paid next week. More shifting boxes and fighting with glass shelving. Find out that the boss as wangled mine and a couple of others pay to go in and I may have it Friday. Meanwhile I have $7 in my account and I find out that Dan's have tried to take the money out for my uniforms. I finished at 4.00pm. Dad picks me up and tells me that the radiator was not damaged in the accident and it is just old age. $350. I have no money so have to humble myself yet again to ask for money. Go to school and sign the kids out of OSCH and sit in the car for an hour while Patrick is at cricket practice and Laura and Lachlan fight (literally). Lachlan also decides that he is going to go off at me because I don't want him swinging off the car door. So he gave me a whole mouthful of cheek and every time I dished out a punishment he would do another thing. Got home at about 6.20. We need to be at Taekwondo at 6.45. Sitting eating a bowl of cereal and the kids start fighting over the yoghurt. I lost it and yelled and told them I didn't want to put up with their crap and they need to fucking stop it. I can't believe I said it and I feel so bad but I know why I did. Because this is all full on.

Today has made me think that I can't do this. This whole working full time. But what choice do I have? I am studying, looking after 3 kids and trying to keep my house tidy as well as try and keep myself sane by giving myself time. But feel guilty when I do. I also haven't been to the gym since starting work and I miss it so much. I think it is just today. Wednesday suck. I work 8-4 tomorrow and then 9-2 Friday then the weekend off. My last day off was last Friday. I don't have the kids this weekend so I am sure I can fit in me time then. Tomorrow the kids go into OSCH in the morning then mum and dad pick them up after school, take them to swimming lessons. I will pick them up from there. Who knows what we are having for tea. I like my job so far, just today it has been one thing after another. Almost like oh hang on things are going smoothly, let me throw a spanner in again. We can't have things running smoothly.

I just need to calm down. Tomorrow I have to ring optus and tell them I will pay money and please please don't cut off my phone. I will tell my boss that yes they did try to take my money out for my uniforms and they will have to wait until I get paid. Deep breaths deep breaths.

Tuesday 27 November 2007


Poor Prowler, she flaked it on my desk with her back to me. I lent over and said BOO in her ear. Not to loudly but not that soft. I have never seen a cat leap up so quick!! I really did laugh out loud while she quickly started to clean herself to cover her deep humiliation!

I am very chatting today. Don't worry I start work at 3 so will stop soon lol

Make up your mind

So there is a new date for the opening of the store! 8th of December. Now I don't know how true that it as it came from another staff member who knows about as much as I do.

I was at Marion yesterday training. It sucked. The supervisor just threw us on a register and left us!! So much for training. We muddled through with help from other staff but even so. In comparison to Welland the other week it was disgusting!! Lets hope today is better.

Anywho was chatting to the girl who was with me and she doesn't like that other woman that I want to smack all the time either!! We had a good chat/bitch session!!

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy being around people????

Payday tomorrow. My first. I hope anyway. I brought a water cooler today out of my Centrelink Pay and if I don't get paid tomorrow I will be up the creek as the cooler was $100. I still have to put fuel in my car and that will be it really. I haven't really done any shopping so I better get paid tomorrow. Oh I need to buy a uni book as well. Fingers crossed.

And she goes, she goes, she goes and she just goes.....

I got close enough today to take a photo!!! And she didn't take off but if I pushed my luck further she would have gone. She has just started coming out from under my bed to sleep on it.

Failie has gone off to her boyfriend's abode so only have the two here at the moment. As Failie is a big bully I think it has been good not to have her here to give Kitty time to settle in. I had just about given up but she has gotten better. I doubt we will ever be able to pat her and she will never come to us but least we will see her a bit now. She is slowly coming out of hiding. Mainly when the kids aren't here but least she is progressing.

Saturday 24 November 2007

Another day ........

Was able to watch Patrick play cricket today which was good. (boring but good) He is getting better that is for sure.

While we were at the school I went and voted. I hate voting. I really really do. They are all as bad as one another and you have to pick the best of a bad lot. It pisses me off no end that I don't want labour or liberal to get in but that never happens. I don't know that much about politics so I go by what I know I guess. I voted Family First. I am not particularly keen on labour getting in but it is bound to happen. How easily people forget is all I can say. (should point out I will not be getting into any political debates with anyone in the comments section should you feel the need to express your differing opinion to mine. No problem with that at all. Everyone is entitled. That is why we vote! :)) Anyway I remember mum and dad struggling with so much when labour was in. Interest rates were like 21%!!! That is just unreal. Like someone said today she didn't know any better back then as she didn't have a mortgage, it didn't effect her. Basically for me, I am ok. Yes I could be better but I could be worse. I think we are going along ok and honestly don't think a change in government is going to make me better off. I am happy to wait and see now though. But this is here now and I can look back in years to come and say "shit I was so wrong" or "Yep I was right!" lol time will tell.

Knocked off work an hour early again today. There just isn't that much to do towards the end of the day this week. I am back tomorrow. Was supposed to be 2-6 but they said to come in at 12. That way I can still get my 4 hours. Again people standing around doing stuff all. There were a whole heap of girls just doing crap jobs because they felt that taking boxes of wine off a pallet and putting it onto shelves was to hard for them. It was funny though as a couple of senior people got them working again, carting boxes around. These are 18 year old girls I am talking about here. They couldn't even last 1 hour lifting the boxes and putting them away!! They are going to have a rude shock when the store opens and they have to work for 4 hours continuously!!

Have to say that 2 years ago I wouldn't have been up for doing this. I have been doing this whole boxes thing for hours at a time. It is hard work and I get a sweat up doing it. It has made me glad that I have gotten myself this fit and strong. Honestly I would be fitter and stronger then some of the 18 year old boys there!! Secretly I am proud of that. It does make me feel good.

However this whole work thing is wreaking havoc with my eating. Example: today I started at 12 to finish at 7. So breakfast no worries. Only getting a half hour break today. I don't want to get hungry to quick and don't want to have my break to early so as I am to hungry before I finish. So I have lunch at 11.30. (fruit salad and yoghurt. Yes I am eating fruit. The yoghurt helps lol) Then have my break at 4.00. (tuna salad and some cashews) This I basically would class as dinner. Perhaps when I finish work I could have a yoghurt if I was really hungry. But of course I finish work early, go to mum and dad's and have dinner there!!

I guess when the store opens things will settle down. I will also not be doing so much manual labour and be burning so many calories. But it is frustrating and something I am struggling with.

Ok well this little black duck is saying stuff cleaning up anything tonight I am going to bed now!!!

Friday 23 November 2007

The House

Ok so I mentioned that we went and did the inspection on this house and it was gross. Prior to the inspection they had ripped up the carpet in the lounge room because it was a health hazard but never replaced it. There was rubbish left in the laundry, a fridge in the lounge room and light fittings missing in a bedroom. Generally the house was left disgustingly dirty and gross. It smelt and was just foul. There are so many fly marks on all the light fittings it is going to be awful cleaning them. Also in the kitchen there was food on the light fittings. Holes in the walls and doors missing and fly screens missing.

When we did the out going inspection we didn't venture outside to much but enough to see that a mattress, lawn mowers, bikes, trampoline top and lots of other crap and rubbish. (is there a difference) When we were there the other day to get a quote from the cleaner we ventured further outside. We were out there for a while before we noticed all the fleas on us!!! They must have been in the mattress. It was horrible. I had so many little bits on me. Dad had had an outbreak of fleas at their place and he had only just washed all the animals and bedding etc, so we really didn't want to infest our houses. So we drove back to their house and got mum to pass out the fly spray, so we could spray ourselves and the car. Honestly it was so gross!

It looks like it is going to cost us about $1000 just to clean the place, inside and out. Then it has to be repainted. I am also going to replace all the light fittings and also it is going to have to have new fly screens through out! Crazy that people live like this. They had 6 kids and the youngest was about 2. How said it that. However we have to deal with the aftermath. Yuk.

Just how bad do you want this job?????

People do astound me at times. Ok this store is going to be over populated with staff after Christmas. There were so many people there today. There are only 4 registers so on a normal week they are not going to need 20 checkout chicks! Even working part time!!

Chatting to another guy yesterday and he said that he had been talking to the boss and he said oh yeah after Christmas people will be leaving!!!!

So if that is the case why the fuck are people so obviously doing nothing during the day???????

I ended up working with this guy yesterday and as we were going to put some stock away we walked past a couple talking. One holding a broom, the other a dustpan and broom. Just standing and talking. I made the comment of "there are so many people standing around doing nothing when there is so much to do at the moment" He told the me yep and they are getting noticed!!!

Turns out that this guy was the stock supervisor!! Lol.

A bit later in the day The boss said anyone he has been here since 9 or 10 can have the option of going home in an hour. A few things needed to be done first then if they wished they could go. Well five minutes later they were all standing around leaning on trolleys etc talking. While a handful of us found something to do until the next stock truck came in. After they had left the stock supervisor said "well if you want to know who is coming to the Christmas party look around this is it!!" Very very interesting!!

Got my roster for next week and basically after today I am working everyday until next Friday. I am going to be stuffed. Luckily it is only about 5 or 6 hours each day. I miss taekwondo next Tuesday but can go Wednesday and Saturday so that is good.

Oh and the girl I want to continually beat senseless because she annoys me so much is pregnant!! So will certainly only want part time now. Ok yes I really do want the supervisors job now!!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!

What else?? Oh my radiator has been leaking coolant for a while. I spoke to the crash repairers because I think it is crash related. They wanted me to send the car to Edwardstown get it taken out and then the assessor looks at it says yes or no and if no then I have to pay up and get it fixed. I cracked at that. So now I am taking it to my mechanic. My mechanic is wonderful and he had a great talk this morning. He said without even looking at it of course it is crash related!! The replaced the air con condenser and that is within millimetres of the radiator. I laughed and said so you rest your case!! Yep he said. So that is happening Wednesday. So hopefully Peter will get the assessor to back down. I think they regret not writing my car off and it has ended up costing them money. Well hey tough luck mate you made your bed.......

Ok better hang some washing out. Trying to get organised. I have so much to do really. The floors are foul here, the lawns need mowing, I have study to do and I have not even looked at the material yet, I am going out to lunch with mum and dad, I have to organise work to begin on a co-op house. Have I mentioned the trashed house?? I will look back. Not got time now but I will check and if not I will fill you in. It is a doozy!!

Should just mention that i have not thought about J for a while now and it is great. I am loving my job. I am loving the fact that it is starting from scratch and I am part of that. It is very exciting and stuff Harvey Norman. This was the reason why I didn't get that job. I will be even happier when I get paid next week. Things are really bad money wise right now but next week things will be good. Not great but good. Will ease the pressure a lot.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Whine anyone?????

Geez what a day. So first to the supervisors thing. Found out nothing so in the end I asked!! Mark said that they had not sorted positions yet and he was going to be guided by what the trainers said (I am assuming the others in the stores we visited. So Sharee in my case). So that is fine. The only thing is that other chick had two days with Sharee and tomorrow as well. Whereas I will only see her tomorrow for a short amount of time. So who knows. I think now I do want it. And I really don't want that other girl to have it.

SO the deal today was that they only got a few people in as they thought that they would not be getting much stock in. Yeah pigs bum not much stock. Basically spent the day unloading pallets and putting the boxes on the shelves. So it is good. I now know where all the spirits are. Where all the RDT's are. (I still don't know what that stands for but I know it is the premixed stuff so that is the main thing) So hopefully tomorrow a bit more wine will come in and I will find my way around that as well.

But it was all good albeit tiring. I have decided not to go to the gym tomorrow. I don't start work until 12. But after today shifting boxes and carrying them around I don't think I need to. I work until 8 tomorrow and mum and dad are bringing the kids back here after the kids have their swimming lessons and will put them to bed. So I think the time will be better spent in the morning doing a quick tidy up while I can.

The people all seem nice there today. Mind you only 5 of us apart from the managers are actually going to be working in this store. Also there was only 4 females amongst heaps of guys and only 2 of us from this store. Weird. I seem to get on well with this one guy who also seems happy working with me. He is a single parent as well so we have that in common. We are also basically the same age. So it was nice today to chat about lots of stuff, like kids, killer rabbits (his pet rabbit bit him and boy did it do damage) past work history etc.

This is what I was looking forward to.... adult interaction. It means that my alone time I am going to appreciate a hell of a lot more because I am meeting new people and lets face it having a bit of a life!!!!

But for now I am off to bed because although not tired per say I am stuffed!! It does feel different.

Oh before I forget. Had taekwondo tonight. I had spoken to the instructor about grading. I am worrying that if I have to miss a few lessons I won't be able to grade. But he is running through everything I need to know and I will practice at home so I am 100% clear on it and all things running smooth I should be a blue belt by the end of the year. Then I feel I can slow down.

Ok really going to bed now!!

Tuesday 20 November 2007

getting fitter but.....

Saw G this morning. He took all my measurements again and did the fitness tests. Well my measurements went down a tiny bit. So have to tighten up the eating thing. I have been a bit slack the last two weeks so back into it again. Writing it all down. I did the shopping this morning so am prepared for the week ahead.

My fitness is just improving in leaps and bounds. I went from doing 26 pushups on my toes to 32, beep test went from 4.8 to 5.0, the bike test was good. Hard to summarise this one but my heart rate on the last level last time was 124, it was 104 this time. My flexibility improved as well. The only thing that didn't was my abs. That is so hard and the one thing I have been concentrating on. I mean I didn't practice push ups etc but I really tried to do my abs! So that is sucky.

So half good. Just got to work on the food thing.

Monday 19 November 2007

one down and a long way until retirement

No seriously it went well. More of an indication that I am going to be "front end controller" When I got to the store I was shown everything the supervisor does. She is assuming that is what I will be doing. Very interesting considering no one has really told me. This woman and I had a bit of a chat and she said that she had spoken to Mark (the guy who interviewed me and organising things so far) that they did want someone senior.

But N was there. This is the woman I wanted to smack out Saturday. And if I wanted to smack her out then today I wanted to pummel her into the ground. It was fairly obvious that I was training for supervisor. She was not really happy about this. Asking if I was going to be supervisor, had I actually applied for the supervisors position, was I full time???? She basically wants the job. She is younger than me. I would guess in her 20's. She is just one of those people who knows EVERYTHING. So if in fact I do end up supervisor I can see that I am going to have trouble with her. The thing is that next year she only wants to work school hours as her daughter starts school. How can you be supervisor if you are only working part time?? ummmmm tell me how???? So miss know it all put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So although it is very exciting that I may be supervisor. I mean geez how good will this look for the cops next year??? No confidence my foot! But on the other hand it is very scary!! I have no product knowledge and no knowledge of the workings of the store either. I did discuss this with Sharee today and she said you pick it up and you will be fine. We discussed heaps today and I am sure that some will get back to Mark. It should be good if it did. So I don't know. If I was supervisor, it also means that I don't have to be on the register all the time, it means I am not just a checkout chick. And it think after all my time as a checkout chick I am due for more than that!! So fingers crossed for Wednesday.

You know what else? It is amazing how times have changed. Lol how old do I sound now???? But I felt old. When I last worked retail,over 10 years ago we had a cash register, we counted our float when we got to work and when we finished work. Now???? Nope it is all touch screen, you don't have to count the money at all. You just put it all in a bag and I mean all bar your money for the morning ($390. In any form so I guess the cash office puts it into nice useable amounts for the morning), so your bag is just a massive mish mash of coins and notes. It goes to the cash office then gets picked up by the armoured guards people. So much better.

Ok time to admit something. I am hopeless at maths. Any type of adding, subtracting etc. So it is good that the computers do it all for you. But if I stuff up.... Panic stations. I just freeze because I don't want to look like a fool and then my brain stops working. I have been practicing counting back to give the right change but I got into a tizz when someone gave me a $50 plus extra change. We all do it... you know what I mean..... you haven't got the exact money but you have the exact coins etc. It has taken me ages to get that one. I think I have it sorted now with mum's help. But that is what I mean I am totally clueless and stupid when it comes to stuff like that and I hate people knowing it, because then they see me as stupid because it is all so simple for everyone else. I just have keep playing it out in my head until I really get it. Ok confessions over!!

Saturday 17 November 2007

OMG full on

I have had a couple of hectic days. Yesterday I drove out to St Peter's (over an hour away) to do the Responsible Service of Alcohol course. That was ok. Met a few people that will be working at the store with me.

Then drove up to mum and dad's place to go to the loo then around to a co-op house to do an inspection. Now this is the inspection from the trash people. And the house was awful. They have left a fridge in the lounge room, rubbish in the laundry, masses of crap outside and the whole place was just gross. So there is going to be a lot of work to do and I will have to organise it all given I am maintenance officer. Then after that back to mum and dad's for a maintenance meeting, then as soon as that was over we had a METS (membership, education, tenancy and secretary) meeting. I got home at about 10!

Then this morning I was at Marion by 8.50 for induction training. That was boring but good. Got a roster for this week. I am doing training at another store Monday, Tuesday off, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday I am at the new store. But only have to wear casual clothes do to the fact that the store is not ready yet and we will be just unloading trucks and sorting out that.

Now the interesting thing is that the roster was separated into about 5 groups. They were only separated by a line. Now from what I can gather that the group I am in is front end staff. One other group is floor staff. My guess is that there are 2 groups of front end and floor and then 2 groups of store staff and who knows what the other group is as it was only small. Ok so on the roster on Wednesday one person from each group of people are going to the new store. It is the first time any of us will be at that store. We are all there for exactly the same amount of time. (I am one of those people) where as the next day heaps of us are there and at different times (as you would expect to cover lunches etc) So why do you think that is? Are we the team leaders for those groups? I am dieing to know. It could be nothing I guess but I am really really curious to know! I hope it is what I am guessing about. That would be great.

So far I am the oldest female. (I haven't met everyone yet though) Also one of the few older people there! The majority are 17-21 year olds. Then a handful my age. There was one girl there who was talking loudly to some others saying..." Oh I think I am going to be trained up as a supervisor. I was supervising in my last job. I was getting an extra $56 each week above what I normal got...." She was only young but I wanted to smack her out.

I just want to start. So really I will get all the goss on Wednesday. Monday won't be wonderful as it is another store but there will be 2 other girls from my store there with me as well as some guys who I assume will be out on the floor.

I am excited but nervous. I know nothing about booze. But then I am just behind a cash register so I can just pass customers over to the floor staff.

Will keep you updated.

Thursday 15 November 2007

If Dreams could come true

He would wrap his arms around me and hold me tight.
He would think I am beautiful even after just getting out of bed.
He would want to be with me
He would miss me when he wasn't with me
He would support and encourage me
He would enjoy being with my kids as much as being with me
He would fit with me
He would find me......

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Icky icky wah wah

Sitting down at the computer last night after I had gotten home from a meeting. Turned the screen off and got up. Turned around and there on the ceiling above the computer desk was a massive massive spider!! So after I had calmed down and realised that it was not reasonable to ring dad and get him to get it for me. I had to think about how I was going to deal with it. I didn't want to squash it with a shoe or something as that meant I had to get close to the horrible thing. Another factor was that it would fall behind the computer desk. (a big desk with shelves above my head with the printer, folders and filing on it.)

So after some deliberation. (had to be quick in case it disappeared) I decided that I would have to risk the falling spider and chose death by foam. So spray away I did! And the bloody thing did fall behind my printer. So in the few terrifying seconds that it was there I was debating what to do, when it came running out from under the desk. Now I am truly thankful it ran towards my chair than somewhere else and I wouldn't see it. Having said that though. I have now invented a lovely dance and it is amazing how light on my feet I can be. But the little sucker came running out to only look down the nozzle of my $5 can of fly spray.

Here is a little tip. Copious amounts of fly spray sprayed onto lino will make the lino shine as if it is brand new!! It also produces a little toxic wading pool for the 8 legged mammoth thing. He did eventually tuck those 8 legs up and died. I scooped him up with the dust pan and broom (the long handle ones as I was not getting anywhere near him) and ditched him outside.

The I sat down and waiting for my heart to return to its normal programming!

Monday 12 November 2007

I just wanna...........

I just wish I could start work now!! I hate this sitting around waiting for the days to go by. Ok I am not literally sitting and waiting but it is like that.

Went to the gym this morning with Karen. It was so much better to go with her than by myself. I am going to see if G can fit me in on Wednesdays from now on so that I can go with Karen to the gym on Tuesdays. Of course that will all fly out the window once I start working!! See what I mean. It is a pain all this not knowing!!

Will have to find myself some new shoes this week as well. I only have boots to wear with pants and not only to they have a huge heel, I don't want to be wearing them in the summer. I just got another sports bra off of ebay as well so my money is slipping away pretty quick. I did however find out that the ceiling rent for my new house will be $204 per week. So that is good. Not the $250 like I feared. I also found out that my child support won't change until next year when I do my tax return. Of course shit for brains can ask for a new assessment to be done and in which case it would change then. I wouldn't put it past him to do that. He is such a dick.

Went down the beach with Laura, Lachlan and mum and dad's pup yesterday. We walked quite away which I didn't realise. Dad ended up coming to get us. Someone was coming to look at the pup. I didn't have my phone with me so he had to take the car to look for us. After he finally found us luckily we were on the part of the beach where the cars are allowed so he drove right up to us and took us home. It was then I saw how far we had walked. So although I now have half the beach in the car it was nice to have a ride home!!

Saturday 10 November 2007

Kitty makes three

Yep back to 3 cats again. Luckily I feed all raw food so they don't cost much. She is British Short hair. Like Prowler but is a Tortoiseshell one. (not sure if that is the correct term for her colouring but oh well) The reason we have her is that she is a tea cup cat. A tiny tiny wee little thing. She is quite a few months old. (need to find out really) But she never grew to be as big as her brothers and sisters. Mum and dad still have one of her brothers and he is massive. So finally dad said we could have her.

Now we come to her name!! Lol Kitty kitty...gone. That is her name!! I am sure you are all sitting there going "what the.....?" Little Kitty Kitty Gone is a very timid little thing and the only reason it took so long for us to have her is that we couldn't catch her. (all these cats are inside cats!) I was helping mum and dad one day and she was in the door way of the room we working in. I called her. (she had no name at this point) Going Kitty kitty kitty. Like you do when calling a cat. The she just took off. I went oh gone. In a different voice. So that is how she got her name. Kitty kitty gone!!

So don't know how she is going to cope. She is a timid little thing so I have told the kids to just pretend she is not here. We shall just have to wait and see.

Went to the gym today. Just as well as my eating has been a tad crappy. I am supposed to be having my monthly check in with G on Tuesday and the last few days I have not made healthy choices. Mind you I have started eating muesli as it keeps me full for a long time. Thing is I eat a lot of it. And I have been spending the equivalent in the toilet. It is bad. I have never been so regular in all my life. Lol tmi I know but geez I can't get over it. My switch to soy and linseed bread wouldn't' be helping.

So my eating apart from the last couple of days has been better. It is amazing what happens when you have to write it down. I can see that it has gotten better over the weeks. I am not snacking on crap anymore, no longer eating after my evening meal. The only thing I need to work on is portion size. I am having 2 bowls for breakfast (bowls of muesli, the bowls would hurt my mouth to much), 2 sandwiches for lunch when one would be sufficient. So I still have little things to get around. It will be interesting to see if I have lost anything. Fingers bloody crossed. He will kill me otherwise. (well he won't really but he will talk to me and I will be so pissed off at myself for not showing him that I can do it. So stupid to feel like that but oh well)

Off to the gym again tomorrow. Doing Body Balance with Karen. Mum is looking after the kids again. Bless her. This is my last week of freedom so I need to make the most of it. I was going to do Cardio. The class is going to be at 11. So I could only do it after the BB class. Doesn't really make sense to do Cardio after getting all relaxed from BB. But I feel like I should do it. Now thinking about it though. I do that tomorrow, (still get a sweat up doing it) then cardio Monday, see G on Tuesday for weights, then I will be on track. Ok sounds like a plan.

Friday 9 November 2007

Who Knows.....

Me being so totally anal have basically spent the whole day trying to work out the money situation once I am working. I think I will be better off but not by much because my rent is going to go up by so much. I am not sure of the ceiling rent on the new place but I have been working it out at $250 a week. So that is where most of my pay will go and that is what brings it back down to what I was before. I don't know I really don't. I think I should just stop thinking about it. I only really lose my parenting payment which is $500 a fortnight. And I will be earning way more than that. I was surprised actually though I still keep most things and really as long as i don't earn over $41000 a year I should keep my pension card.

I got a call from Dan's today. I have to do an Responsible Alcohol Service. Or something like that. I do that next Friday. Then of course I have the induction next Saturday. The woman I spoke to today said that she should have training rosters drawn up by then as we are going out to train at other stores. Should be interesting.

Was supposed to go to the gym today. I am such a slacko for not going but I am tomorrow as mum and dad are looking after the kids. It is bad. Well not really. I usually go to the gym 2 a week, See G once a week, go to taekwondo at least 2 a week (90 minutes each time) so all up I do a lot of exercise. So why do I feel so guilty about not going to the gym. I am seriously screwed in the head I swear.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho

So yes got the job at Dan Murphy's. Starting as a casual but full time hours. Which is fine by me as it means more money. Working the front end. Sounds like working the tills a fair bit. But that is ok.

So it is great I now have a full time time. So why am I getting teary all the time about it? I think mainly because of the kids. I am hardly going to see them and when I do I am going to be grumpy and tired. Who knows also how much better off I am going to be as well. I sit and think I will get this when I start working, I will do this etc. But chances are it is still going to be really really tough. It is also going to take a while to get on top of everything as well.

Still I now have a job. I knew it wouldn't take long. I will finally meet people. Finally get out of my own little world where I don't see or spend time with anyone. Hopefully I will make some friends out of it. But even if I don't it will just be nice to be able to work with people. Hard to explain but there it is.

So induction is on the 17th November. The store opens on the 3rd December. There is time spent in store during the in between time as well. It is going to be hard before the school holidays but once the school holidays hit and after when the kids go to the new school it will be easier. Mum and dad will be closer. But until then it is going to be a lot of running around for everyone I think. I may start at 8 for example so the kids will have to go to OSCH but then I don't finish until 5 or 6. So mum and dad will have to pick them up and take them to swimming or cricket practice etc. Which is all down at Reynella. Pain in the bum.

All in all it is quite daunting. It has been so long since I have done this. I am scared about how I am going to cope.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Geez Louise

Yesterday I went to a Melbourne Cup Lunch. Now because I have been good in terms of no chocolate and the like I gave myself permission to eat without guilt yesterday. (and G's permission) It was lovely. Strawberries dipped in chocolate. (so fruit as well as chocolate. Does one cancel out the other?) Pav etc. Yum. So why is it so hard to get back into it today? Two sandwiches for lunch and a bag of the new Helga's mini baguettes. (they were on special so I had to try them. Yum Yum Yum so will never buy again) So I have to really pull my head in and get it together.

Have to go back to my mantra "If I eat it I have to write it down and G will kill me." I tell you that is such a big motivating factor in me not eating junk!!

Had the interview for Dan Murphy's this morning. Very quick. I do have to wonder at the sense of some people. In answer to this question " what do you do if you can't complete a task?" they said not sure!!!! OMG. You can't do that. I said well I would speak to my supervisor and ask if they need me to stay back to complete it or can I finish it tomorrow or find some sort of solution. Like another question. "what happens if you see a hazard?" well geez. I don't know leave it there and spy on people falling over. Well that would be funny but I don't think that answer would get me the job. Are people really that thick???

Anywho I find out Friday. They have quite a few positions available and he mentioned about a senior position perhaps. That would be good. Even if it didn't happen straight away it would still be good. Hell I just want a job.

One thing I found out though. Ok minors buying booze is a no no. But if a parent or other adult is in the shop with a minor and is buying for that minor you can't serve them. Even if the adult is doing the transaction. Makes sense but it would be a hard call sometimes. On the spot fines of $5000 to person serving them and $20000 to the store!! Learn something new every day.

Humbling experience yesterday. Went to Families SA (office of families and communities or who ever they are) because things are so bad here. My home phone is only getting inbound calls. (so now I am over my cap on my mobile. Just a bloody big circle.) They paid the last of my electricity bill and some of my home phone bill. It is good and helped but I feel so yuk about it. I can't wait to have a pay. It will still be hard as I am sure the money won't be fantastic but even so I can't be worse off.

Monday 5 November 2007

No Cheap Computers for Me

So I guess I hold out for cheap booze???? Got the phone call this morning. Apparently my interview was fantastic and the only reason I didn't get the job was because the guy that did had HN experience. Well whoop de do. Doesn't help me at all though does it.

So hopefully the next thing will be Dan Murphy's.

Ok off to the RTT again this morning. Apparently thought the tenant has done a runner. We are only after right of entry so we will get that. We will go around there today and I am dreading it. It was trashed while they were living there. I hate to think what it is going to be like now they have gone. I am half expecting to find shit etc just a single finger sign to us. We shall see.

Saturday 3 November 2007

coming out of the woodwork

A guy from Dan Murphys just called me. Gave me a little interview over the phone and then asked me to come in for an interview. It is out at Norwood so that is a big fat pain. On the other side of town. However it all sounded good on the phone. Amazing how much better you get as you get older. I sprouted out so much bullshit about customer service and team work I even impressed myself!! It is a full time position and although not as good as the HN job (which I still don't know about BTW) it would be ok.

I didn't end up going to the coles interview. It was just to far to travel for a job I would hate. If it was closer I would have done it for the simple fact I need a job.

This Dan Murphy store is close. Well at the moment it is but when I move it will be about 20 minutes drive away but that is ok. It means I would still go to my gym. If I get a job near where I live now I wouldn't go the my gym. It would be to far away. I don't like the only gym near me now. It is Zest and having been there before and knowing how much I do about gyms now I really don't want to go there.

Geez it will be so good to be working full time. Not only will have the human interaction but I would have MONEY!!!! Now this will not be a huge pay but hey it is better than what I am getting now!!! Of course the down side is that all of a sudden I am going to be a single working mum to three kids who is studying two degrees as well!! And wow even just writing that is scarey. I am going to be so tired. I am still going to have to go to the gym as well. SO excitement and scary all rolled into one.

I have to say that my eating is getting better each week. Last week was shocking. This week is better. My mantra is no i will have to write it down and G will kill me!! lol. Good motivation.

Kmart gave me the money back for Patrick's phone to. Just in time really as an email came saying that the company couldn't provide the service and offered a whole heap of options. None of which I was happy with. So it worked out well. I ended up getting him a little prepaid thing. Of course Matt knows about it and I can only hope that Matt is being grown up about it all and not using it himself or taken it off Patrick. It is really thin and doesn't have a cord or anything. I am going to see if mum can make a pouch for it or something for it.

Just finished Taekwondo. Really didn't feel like going but I did. Rachel and I went out last night so I wanted to do was sleep. But it was good once I was there.

Oh before I forget. The one person you do not expect to see at a night club...... Your 5 year olds school teacher lol. To funny. She says after a week of teaching she needs to get out. Hey don't blame her.

Thursday 1 November 2007

Procrastination..... A man thing?

Holy crap, I just rang HN again. Didn't speak to the guy but got told that he hasn't made a decesion yet but appreciates my call and will give me a call back!!! When damn it when?

So now he is probably really pissed off and annoyed that I have rung and that will make his decision for him! Shit I hate this.

On another note. Patrick's mobile phone company have gone under. Now this is a special phone which is hooked up to the Internet and has a GPS tracker, which I get charged .44c per day for. However that has been out of action for ages and after unanswered emails I tried ringing today. Disconnected. Rang the ombudsman and they told me. So I have taken the phone back to Kmart. They are getting back to me. Not happy. I can't recharge the phone as I had to ring up to do that because of the type of phone it is. I am hoping that Kmart will just say give her the money back and I will just buy a normal phone this time. They should be letting me know today. I had a bit of a melt down in front of them which was horrible but least they knew it was urgent so although embarrassing hopefully it greased the wheels a bit.

Things are really bad money wise yet again. No phone atm, electricity so overdue not funny. I went to Dept Families and they gave me a Woolworth's voucher for $100. Couldn't believe it. Still doesn't help with the bills but helps with the food. I am going back there Tuesday for them to ring the companies for me to sort something out. Maybe coming from them it will make them understand that I am having trouble. All very humiliating though.

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Still Bloody Waiting

Come on, how long can it take??? Make a decision already.

I have an interview with Coles at Brighton tomorrow. I don't want that job. It is to far away from home. It is near where I see G at the gym. I don't want to go to the interview even. I thought that I would be content just being a checkout chick but I am not. I don't want that job. I know I haven't got it yet but all this waiting for the HN job is just making me want it more.

Ok Off now. I am going off to see G. I am boxing today. I think I need it.

Monday 29 October 2007

and the tension builds

I just rang Harvey and the guy is still thinking. Who knows if it was the right thing to do or not. On one hand it is great that I did it as it shows I am keen and happy to be a bit pushy to get what I want. Which could translate into get that sale. On the other hand I appear pushy and he doesn't like that. So I am not out of the running yet so that is good I guess.

Laura hasn't thrown up in a while so hopefully she is over it now. I left a message at Matt's work saying be at school or he doesn't get the kids. He is such a dick. He wants me to make my life around him. It doesn't work like that. These are his kids. I am happy for them to stay home but of course it means I miss out and that sucks. But least I know they are ok with me. We shall see at 3.20. I left a message on his home phone as well just in case. The woman at his work wasn't keen to take the message. She said it puts her in a hard place. I told her that I needed to let him know and I am just asking her to pass the message on. Geez surely it isn't that hard. But then who knows what he has told them about me.

So waiting waiting waiting. Please please please let this be my job. You guys will be the first to know. Well after I ring mum and dad and txt G and Karen! lol

Men are bastards

Well some anyway. Laura has gastro and been vomiting through out the night. I rang Matt to inform him that she can't go into OSCH and he lets me know that he won't be there until 4.30. Like I am a taxi service. Picking the kids up, going back to my house for a while then bringing them back. Not only do I not have the time, I also do not have the inclination. If the kids fit around him then great otherwise no go. Arse hole. He now won't answer the phone so I will be ringing his work when the office opens to leave a message for him saying if he is not there by 3.25pm I will be taking the kids home and he will not having the kids tonight. He goes on about me following the court order well he needs to as well.

J been hanging around again. No joke he really does have the ability to hurt me. I know I am so lonely which makes me venerable and boy does he play on it. That is all I am going into about that. I have not spoken to him for ages but there are txt and emails flying.

Saw G on Sunday. He txt me and said did I want to bring the kids down to colonnades for a hot choc, his shout. After confirming that he did in fact want to be exposed to my kids we went down there. Of course no Laura!! It is like this big conspiracy now about Laura not meeting him. Still it was nice. He went for a wonder around and told the boys that if he goes into a shop with someone he has to buy them something! Well the boys were in on that. He brought them choc. Lachlan thinks G is wonderful. Kept wanting to hold G's hand with G handing him back to me all the time. I said don't you like holding his hand. G said he is a boy. Lol. But he was lifting Lachlan up etc which Lachlan loved as G is so tall. So it was very nice. Of course it made me a bit sad once I got home because I want more. G is the only guy in my life. So of course I am going to get these feelings. Sad and annoying.

G also spoke to the guy he knows at Hardly Normal. Who in turn was going to speak to the guy who did my interview. Who knows if it will help or not but oh well. I am not high enough not to accept outside help in getting a job.

Ok better get dressed and see how madam is traveling. Of course if I do end up having the kids it means I can't go to the gym. Pissed off about that.

Friday 26 October 2007

waiting waiting waiting

So the interview on Wednesday went great. Well I thought so anyway. I was there for over an hour and the guy and I chatted about a lot of things. Turns out there is only one position. I was supposed to find out today. I haven't heard a word. Is that good or is that bad??? It is really hard to stay positive and think yes I have it. The power of positive thinking and all because it is going to be a let down if I don't get it. Does that make sense? It would be a great job. Money, Selling stuff I like, money, being around people all the time, and of course the money. There is the side that I am going to go into complete shock working full time again and trying to study. Well I have never worked full time and studied so it will be a big rearrangement of my life. But money I need the money man. Show me the bloody money.

So I will wait.....

Only got the boys home tonight. Laura is off to a friend's house for a sleep over. It is the friends birthday so she invited Laura and another friend to sleep over. They are going out to dinner at Cafe Primo then off to the beach house tomorrow. Half her luck. Wish we could do that. Single mum, working full time, one child and a dad who pays his share of child support. She admits she has it good money wise. She is a lovely lady though we get on well.

Had a course today. Admin 1. It is run through the Office of Community Housing. No cost. Don't have to go but mum conned me into it. The lady taking it is great. She mediated some of our meetings when we had trouble. So we had a good catch up and she was telling me about a non renewal of lease they had that the RTT said yep they are to go and then the appeals board so no she can stay!! Sooooooo wrong. They have now employed a lawyer. It would seem that the appeals board has over stepped the mark. I would have thought that the RTT was the higher power??? Anyway she is going to let me know what happens.

Patrick has cricket in the morning. Oh what fun oh what joy. Least Laura and Lachlan won't be fighting if Laura isn't there. I will take the puppy with us so that should keep Lachlan occupied for a bit. Then there is always abc kids on my phone for the rest of the time. It is just soooo bloody boring. I read normally. I look up when Patrick is bowling. I look up when he is batting and that is it really. Can you tell Iam not a cricket fan.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

fit but not so fabulous

Well I have just come back from seeing G. Mixed feelings about how it all went. Abs sucked big time. Only got to level one. (lying on back hands on thighs and reach up to put wrists on knees. Next level is elbows to knees. LOL that was a joke) strength was above average (push ups on toes: I did 26 before I died) Flexibility was excellent. 6 Min bike test was excellent (sit on a bike. Started at level 7 each minute it goes up a level and check heart rate each level. My heart rate got to 127 on level 9 I think) I also did the beep test but that sucked. 4.8. My resting heart rate is 60 which he said was great. (why he had to sound so surprised I don't know!)

He also took all my measurements. I have been so grumpy this morning and I was nearly in tears when he did this this morning. I wasn't going to do the pinch test but I did. Surprisingly it was better him doing it. He wasn't as invasive perhaps. Didn't take as many measurements. The worst was just above my hip bone. So after all that it wasn't' so bad. Lol I have a 3 cm different between my thigh measurements. (this is the measurement done with a tape measure) Weird. I don't know what my measurements were. I didn't want to know. I know my fat percentage is 37.5, which is bad, bad because at the start of the year I was close to 35. He wrote down all the exercise I usually do in a week and said well that is fine so it just must be your eating. Yeah well I knew that!!

Anyway I am still seeing him once a week but once a month we will do the tests again. I have to fill out a food diary for the month and exercise diary. (these are the ones I made up for him, so nothing flash.) So I am determined to do this. Few reasons. One being that I need to. I also realise that I am on a good thing. I am getting this all for free. (well apart from computer work occasionally) and also G is my friend and I really care what he thinks for me to not make a change and do this right will make me think he is disapproving of me. He would never think that. But it does really matter to me how he sees me etc. Be that right or wrong that is the way I feel and if it means I move my butt then so be it.

Monday 22 October 2007

Hardly Normal

Got a phone call today to come in for a "chat"!! for harvey norman. They are looking for someone to work in their computer area. (mobiles phones, cameras etc) It is a salary based job but apparently you do have to reach sales targets, which I am not that keen on. But we will see.

G actually knows the regional manager and yesterday said to me if I got an interview I should mention his name. We will see. G is actually one of my references. (I am hard pushed to find people and I have done some work for him, computing at that lol)

So quite excited but nervous all the same. It would be good.Not to far from home. Selling stuff I enjoy, which would be a good thing. I have mystery shopped them so I will be commenting on that in the interview.

Funny though my age isn't on my resume or anything but it says I am a uni student. So when the guy rang I got the impression that he thought I was a young uni student. I did inform him I was a parent. I will just impress on them that that does not matter as I have lots of support and the kids will not interfere with my work. I have to at least get the job first lol

Sunday 21 October 2007

Holy Crap

Met up with G this morning. We went for a long walk and came back and did........."the stairs"!!!! All up an hour. I am stuffed. The little piddly bit I did on the stairs is nothing compared to this time. I certainly push myself a lot harder when I am with someone else. Lol we were going to do it one more time but he said he didn't want me to die. I was bloody close!! Good thing though was a stopped puffing before I got to the car which was maybe a minute walk away so that was good.

On Tuesday I start being a guinea pig for his new work stuff. Thankfully he is not going to measure my fat with the pinch test. Just a tape measure. Not quite as bad but still pretty bad. Oh well. Not doing the beep test as the room will be in use. But have to do this bike test. (will let you know what that is when I know) Abs and push ups. Should be interesting. I also have to fill out a food and exercise diary. lol should be very interesting!! Think it is what I need. I am one of the lucky ones who can lose weight fairly easily if I just put my mind to it so Kate put your bloody mind to it.

Scales not showing much movement this week but that is fine as I have upped the exercise and they never move when I exercise, However I am hoping to start really feeling it in my clothes soon though.

Off to a co-op meeting today. Really not in the mood. Just want to watch movies. It is really hot here today and no air con I hate it. Least my car has it and the meeting place. Even so though. Yuk.

Applied for a couple of jobs with Harvey Normal. It would be good to get one of those.

Thursday 18 October 2007

rolling rolling rolling

Well I am hanging in there. I spoke to the manager of the recruiting section. I can reapply in 12 months. Apparently I am compulsive about following rules and not enough confidence. Ok maybe the confidence but please the rule thing??? Would you call someone who puts glues in lock's so their ex husband can't get into the house following the rules compulsively? Yeah sure. And isn't following the rules what they want? From what she was saying it I think it was mainly the confidence thing. I was talking to my taekwondo instructor and he said yeah the confidence thing yes.

I know that but if it was my job I would be confident. I guess they need it all over the shot. I don't know.

I am pretty shitted off over the whole thing, actually. I am waiting for the pysch who did the interview to call me back. I will be asking him some questions that is for sure. Nothing to lose. However shitted off or not it is good to know that the door is not completely closed.

So I have applied to so many retail jobs online it isn't funny. I have been shortlisted for a interview for a position at coles at Brighton (near G). Not ideal but I will worry about it if I get the job. It is always easier to get a job once you have one. Time will yet again tell.

I have been fairly down the last few days. Just the heap of shit in my life that i have to deal with is getting bigger and bigger and I can't seem to shovel quick enough. And I will say it again. Just to have that special guy in my life just to hang out with etc would make the world of difference. All the other shit honestly would be so bearable if I could just have that one person who was there for me and I didn't have to put on the brave face.

Ok moving on. I went for a chat to the principle's (more than one for different sections of the school) at the kids new school. Looks good. Of course there are bits that I like better about Reynella but hey deal with it. They are big on soccer which will make Patrick happy. The kids all seemed nice and polite. As much as kids can be anyway, which is always a good sign. I gave them all the goss on the fact that Patrick needs a firm teacher who will follow through with clear consequences if he crosses the boundaries. They were most appreciative that I told them that. They said most parents would say oh my kids are perfect. My view is that is to Patrick's detriment if I don't tell them and they give him an airy fairy teacher and he plays up.

I want my house. I want to move. Who knows what will happen. Realistically I am sure this woman will stay in the house claiming it is Christmas time, blah blah, but we have the order and we can get the bailiffs in. And so help me I will call them in!!!

Well that is it really. I got in contact with G to get together this weekend. I just need to hang out with someone who I always feel good around. (as long as he doesn't talk about my weight) I have no money so we are going to do the stairs lol. Weird isn't it?? I am meeting a guy to go and run up and down some stairs!!!! Still it will be good as I am sure that will stop and chat as well.

Also off to taekwondo Saturday morning. It is good to be back. However a couple of families have discovered that Tuesday nights you get more one on one training because not many people go. Well it bloody won't be soon if they all work it out!! I will admit it I don't want more people coming. I love Tuesdays as it is just black and red belts plus us 4!! So piss off you other people and let me enjoy my Tuesdays lol.

Sunday 14 October 2007

Getting it together

I really really enjoyed the movie yesterday. Good message. In one part it was said "If we ask God to give us courage he does not make us courageous but gives us opportunities to be courageous etc." That rung a bell with me. It is very true.

Anywho moving on. How awful is this? It is so nice not having Lachlan here. No fights etc. It is great. Not forever but just for last night and today it is nice. Last night we sat on the floor in front of Ice Age 2 and ate pizza and chocolate. I got to sleep in this morning as there were no fights. I can't wait for him to get older and more responsible.

Took the kids horse riding yesterday. Laura went without the lead rope which was great. Patrick actually went off without the lead rope and without me walking beside him. He was pretty pleased with himself.

I should say that Patrick is the master at the moment for changing the lyrics for songs. The latest... I see you watching me watching you..... its where your doggie peed!! oh dear lol

Saturday 13 October 2007

we regret to inform you......

surprise surprise....... I tried to ring to get feedback which they said to do but no one has rung back.

I am pissed off that one man had the power to do this to me. He doesn't know me. He does not know that if my job required it I can be dominate and forceful. I can think outside the square. I do it all the time. I can adapt to different situations. I could handle someone going off at me. Who cares, those dick's aren't my friends, so I don't care if they go off at me.

I really wanted that job. I wanted the variety it would have brought. I wanted to be able to help people. I WANTED TO BE A BLOODY COP!

So moving on. I have applied online to so many retail places. Angus and Robertson, Sanity Music, Coles and all their affiliated stores, Woolworths and all their affiliated stores (amazing how many are owned by the same people) I have written I enjoy opportunities to provide superior customer service that many times it isn't funny. Because I haven't worked I struggle for references. I am using someone from the co-op and G. Bless him. I guess I have been doing so much work for him lately he can comment on that as well as friendship.

I just feel so old all of a sudden. My law degree is so far away. I really don't want a checkout chick job, but I am not really qualified for anything else. And lets face it I am good at it. It will be good just to get out of the house and meet people.

Not many people know about the cops yet. I just don't really want to talk about it. I sort of knew last week so I am not as upset as I thought but even so. I do the whole pretend everything is just peachy. Yet again. Just be nice to have the special guy in my life, my best friend who knows me so well to hold me and say it will be fine. Where I don't have to hold it together, just for a few minutes. Lol well I guess he won't be a cop!! Who knows when and where he will turn up but hey mister I could do with that hug soon!!!!!!

So school holidays are drawing to a close! Thank god. The kids have been great. They drove me insane last night just with their silliness but generally they have been good. Lachlan has been out twice on his bike and yesterday he did great. Hopefully we will have time today and he will really get it but not sure if we will have time. We are going horse riding this morning and then dropping Lachlan at mum and dad's for the night and I am taking the older two to see Evan Almighty.
Fingers crossed someone will call next week begging me to work for them. lol. I do live in hope don't I. Like I told G the other day. It never in the past takes me long to find a job when I put my mind to it. So hopefully it won't take long this time.

talking of G. Laura said to me the other day, "have I met G" I told her no. She then went on to say she wanted to meet him. I said she could come with me to the gym if she wanted but she would be bored so would have to take a book etc. She was ok with that. Gets up the next morning decides that she doesn't want to after all. I told G. Lol I think he was a bit put out she changed her mind.

Wednesday when the kid were in Vac care. I drove down to the gym to drop the stuff off to him. He wasn't there so I just txt saying I left them there. He txt back saying he just got home if I wanted to call in and say hi. So I do just that. I go in, flop down on the couch and he says to me "where are the kids" I told him. He goes Oh that was the whole reason I said to call in so the kids could meet me!! I just laughed and said G you do not want my three kids here. He just said oh they would have been ok for 5 minutes. I find it funny that after 2.5 years he now wouldn't mind meeting my kids. I don't have a problem with it at all but just not high on my priority list to arrange it.

Oh and add to my woes at the moment, I think my microwave blew up last night. It started making weird noises and the light was flashing on and off. I quickly stopped it but when I opened it there was a bit of smoke and some black crap in it. Just what i need. Not.

Ok enough. Ramble over. Back to life.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Tired tired tired

I really need to remember to take my multivitamin! They sure make a difference. I feel really run down at the moment. Shouldn't really say tired but just worn out!!

My PT session went well. Yes my legs were still sore but not to bad. I thought I got out of the cross trainer but G, bless him, saved it for last. That set them going.... oh they hurt for that. Luckily I was only on there for 5 minutes. I hate the cross trainer. We then sat down with a hot chocolate and worked out the wording for his ad for the newspaper. We got a bit stuck but I thought of something on the way home.

Sick of dieting?
Want results that last a life time?
Its time to take control and get serious.

I am a lifestyle consultant who can motivate you to achieve your goals to get you in the best shape of your life and maintain it.

Call G blah blah blah

So I have to finish up his flyer for the letter box drop and he has given me a few other things like a food diary to make pretty and I have to make up an exercise diary and a few other things as well. Busy busy bee. But like mum said it gets me some more free PT sessions lol.

Surprisingly the kids have been fairly well behaved. Mind you having said that Laura has just cracked it. 3 kids with only one TV just doesn't work when one wants to play the playstation.

I have applied online to a few retail places. Dan Murphy's are opening up a store near here. I have put in my resume to Sanity Music and also the Woolworths line of shops. (Big W, Woolworths, Tandy, Dick Smith etc.) Fingers crossed I get something soon. I need money and I need money now. I am trying hard not to think about what I am getting the kids again for Christmas.

Not much else is happening really. The kids go into Vac care tomorrow. They all wanted a day there so it doesn't cost me a huge amount so that is fine with me. Gives us all a break from one another and I can tidy the house up again.

Monday 8 October 2007

Please please please please

let my legs feel better tomorrow for my PT session with G. They are still really sore from "the Stairs"!! I can't believe how sore. I can't squat down like I normally can without acting like an 80 year old woman with arthritis!! I gave them a good albeit painful massage and try to keep moving them all the time so fingers crossed they will be better in the morning!!

Food wise still shit.

Sunday 7 October 2007

All is right with the world.

That is how it feels when I get my kids back. Of course once they really start fighting I will be thinking differently. This time it is going to be heaps different though as they will be spending time one on one with mum and dad. Patrick is first tonight. They had an ok time at their dad's. Matt hurt Patrick again. Took his phone away again. Patrick felt a need to pick up a stick and protect himself because Matt was angry at him. Why can't Matt see that he is going about disciplining the kids all wrong. Patrick never feels the need to pick up a stick to protect himself from me. He is not frightened of me. Yet he has told me he gets frightened of his dad. Very sad.

Friday night I went out with Rachel. She ended up driving. I had a bit to drink which was nice. Been a while. Same creepy bald man tried to chat me up again. He is always there. Rachel and I have pretended to be gay before in the vain hope he would leave me alone. But each time we go there he always tries. A nice man came up just as we were about to leave. Looking back I should have danced with him but it was just nice a half decent man thought he would try his luck with me lol.

Dragged myself off to bed at about 3.30. Then woke up at 6.08!! Rachel was leaving her place at 6.30 to pick me up to get my car which was at her place. Then I drove down to Seacliff to find these bloody stairs that G told me about. This time I found them! I went up them half a dozen times I guess then I went for a walk along the beach. My legs today are so sore! It is great!! I only said to G the other day did he think I would ever be sore again like that. I like that soreness. It is the sore that you know you have worked hard!!

Taking the kids rollerskating today. The leisure centre have just started doing it $5 each. They only offer it once a month and last month the kids were at Matt's so they are really looking forward to it.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

and the dream disappears

Well I am pretty sure I can kiss my cop career good bye. It was awful. Apparently I don't think outside the square, I am not dominate enough, and I just want to get in so I can get men like my bastard ex. We were also talking about Matt hurting the kids and he says "and that upsets you?" well yeah of course it would. But it was like it was wrong of me to be upset.

Mum said that basically they are looking for someone who thinks of themselves. Who are basically arse holes. I am not that. And really the majority of cops are like that. Karen's friend is like that. She is out for herself.

This is something I wanted so much. It is just not going to happen. I honestly didn't think I would get knocked back because of my personality.

So I am at home, alone, in tears. Mum and dad are the only ones who know. But of course the pretence comes out. They don't know how upset I am. Why worry them with how upset I am, how rejected I feel. Why can't anything go right? Why?

One thing. I had subway for dinner. I still have tim tams in the house. I am determined not to eat. I am not hungry. I am not going to give in. But I want to so badly. Food the ultimate substitute for being told that everything is going to be ok and if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't meant to be.

little butterflies.......

Shit shit shit..... Starting to get nervous now. I also had to wear my size 12 goodwill pants!! Fuck it. I could have worn my 10's but the muffin top exploding over the top is not a look I wish to show. After my minor blow out... ok so a whole pack of tim tams over the space of 6 hours is a major blow out I am back on track today. Bugger the maintenance meeting on Friday, that is the only reason I got them. And now I need to buy another packet. Yeah I could have done something else for the meeting but that is the easiest thing and they were on special. I will just buy another packet just before the meeting.

Ok I am rambling. Anything to fill in a bit of time. I am allowing an hour to get into town but realistically this time of the day I doubt it will take close to that but I need to be sure.

I guess I just need to convey I am a confident, self assured person who has all the qualities to be a cop. Which I have, I just don't apply them to myself. But that doesn't matter. I can be a great cop and my personal life does not effect that.

Ok off to put make up on.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

I've got the knowledge

So I have handed over all the co-op's rent stuff to the guy who is now going to be doing it. I have done this job for 1.5 years. I have organised all the records within an inch of their lives. I have knocked down the arrears owing by $1000's. In order words just to big note myself I did a bloody good job.

I hate handing it over. This guy really doesn't know to much about it. My down fall is I suck as a teacher. I tried to show him sum stuff but i don't think he really got it. I just don't want it all to fall in a screaming heap after I have worked so hard to get it up and running smoothly.

Saw G again today for my PT session. I died but it was good. He wants me to do another flyer for him. He wants to get away from the PT training and go more into fitness and lifestyle coaching. Honestly I love this man. I think it is a great idea with the aim at lower income earners. They would have an initial consult. Work out goals, go through diet, ideas on healthy shopping and eating, etc and then just see him once a month. During that month he would txt them etc reminding them to stay on track, to drink their water etc. One the once a month visits he would do measurements, talk about issues they having and evaluate goals.I think this is fantastic. There is no way I could afford a personal trainer. These people wouldn't have to go to the gym, they could just use what they have. Yet would still have the accountability. For someone like me it would be perfect. Hope it works for him.

The week seems to be flying by. I haven't really done much. Haven't seen anyone really. I am lonely but seem to be coping with it a bit better. Think the key is not to watch romantic chick flicks which end up depressing myself. Don't get me wrong I am desperately lonely, I long for a guy to want to be with me, to just hang out. Of course that isn't happening. But I am not in tears constantly over it. So I guess that is a good thing.

Got the appointment with the psych tomorrow. Fingers crossed it goes well and I move onto the next step quick. My dream is to be in the academy before Christmas so I can start earning some money. I am so broke it isn't funny. Shit that reminds me I need to ring the elec company and beg for more time! (see why it is easy for me to get depressed) At this rate Christmas is going to be sucky again. Great.